Sonja Christopher, a remarkable woman, etched her name in history as one of the first contestants on the iconic reality TV series, “Survivor: Borneo,” back in the year 2000. Surrounded by the comforts of a retirement community at the age of 63, Sonja stumbled upon an article about “Survivor” in the newspaper. In a heartbeat, she knew she wanted to embark on a thrilling new adventure.
Though Sonja’s time on the show was cut short, her legacy as the very first person ever to be voted off will forever be remembered. Her early departure made her a significant figure in the show’s captivating history.
Earlier this year, at the incredible age of 87, Sonja Christopher passed away, leaving behind cherished memories. Jeff Probst, the show’s host, paid tribute to her on the official “Survivor” Instagram page. Probst spoke from the heart, describing Sonja as one of the kindest individuals to ever grace the game. He fondly reminisced about their positive interactions over the years, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to have crossed paths with her.
Rob Cesternino, a former contestant on season 6 of “Survivor,” also took to social media to honor Sonja’s memory. He acknowledged her groundbreaking contribution, recognizing that she paved the way for every person who followed in her footsteps. In his tribute, Cesternino even included a ukulele emoji to symbolize Sonja’s unforgettable performance on the show. It was during her time in the competition that she played the ukulele and serenaded fellow contestant Richard Hatch with the song “Bye Bye Blues,” who would go on to win the season.
She paved the way for every person to ever play Survivor. We will always smile when we think of Sonja Christopher
— Rob Cesternino (@robcesternino) April 26, 2024
RIP to a legend
Despite her early departure from the competition, Sonja’s love for “Survivor” remained unwavering. In fact, she proudly revealed in 2017 that she had not missed a single episode in the past 17 years. She expressed her intention to continue watching the show for another 17 years before gracefully departing to the “giant Tribal Council in the sky.”
Before her retirement, Sonja worked as a music therapist. Three years prior to her appearance on “Survivor,” she faced a daunting battle with breast cancer, supported by her significant other. However, during this challenging time, her partner sought solace elsewhere, leaving Sonja to confront her struggles as a survivor alone. It was during this period of resilience that she stumbled upon the article in the morning paper, announcing CBS’s search for Americans to participate in a thrilling desert island challenge lasting 39 days. From that very moment, Sonja’s unexpected journey began.
At 80 yrs young Sonja Christopher is still a big #Survivor fan. #Survivor500
— Survivor Central (@SurvivorCentral) March 7, 2017
Sonja Christopher will forever hold a prominent place in the storied history of “Survivor.” Her adventurous spirit and courageous outlook on life continue to inspire both fans of the show and future contestants. She was a trailblazer who fearlessly embraced the unknown, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who followed in her bold footsteps.
Join us in celebrating the remarkable life of Sonja Christopher, a true legend.