Gender roles have recently been a hotly debated topic. People are becoming more open to the idea of challenging certain prejudices. Some, on the other hand, are perfectly pleased with a more traditional way of life. Estee Williams, 25, is one such person.

Estee and her husband, 23-year-old Connor, have encountered a lot of criticism for sticking to traditional gender roles. She is adamant about keeping her status as a “tradwife” and spends about 5 hours a day in the kitchen. Estee believes it is her responsibility to make her husband’s life easy and, despite criticism, cheerfully performs stereotyped gender roles.

Having Similar Beliefs

Estee met her now-husband in 2020 while studying meteorology. The Virginia pair quickly discovered how much they shared and fell in love. She dropped out of school soon after and began focusing on fulfilling her gender norms. Estee believes that because Connor is an electrician who works full-time, he should not have to do anything when he gets home. She admitted that he does occasionally assist her around the house, but she never expects it.

Maintaining Their Gender Roles
She spends approximately 5 hours every day cooking from scratch and another 2 hours cleaning. She not only cooks all of his meals and packs his lunches every day, but she also hangs his clothes. She enjoys going grocery shopping and trying out new hobbies in her spare time. Estee is learning to plant and hopes to begin figure skating soon. Estee says that one of the reasons their marriage is so successful is that they don’t dispute over gender roles. Both parties are aware of what is expected of them in advance.

She not only cooks and cleans for her spouse, but she also lets him direct everything. She never goes to the gym alone. Also, she does not buy anything other than groceries without his permission. And she always makes an effort to have her hair and cosmetics done when he gets home from work.

Plans for the Future
The pair currently has no children but want to have them in the coming years. Estee will continue to fulfill her gender obligations and care for the children while Connor works, so things won’t alter much for the pair. She stated that she intends to homeschool her children in order to have control over what they “consume academically.”

A valuable lesson is taught by adversity.
Estee stated that her parents split when she was young, and it was tough for her to see her mother struggle. She also believes that women cannot have it all. The pair is frequently attacked on social media for their gender roles choices, with some labeling Them “lazy.” She doesn’t mind; she loves the peace of mind that comes with not having to work or worry about bills.

The desire to live one’s life as one sees fit is at the heart of the fight for gender equality. Although her preferences may not line with the struggle to eliminate gender norms, she has the right to live her life as she sees fit, and it appears she and her husband have struck a balance that works for them.