A single woman described the “wild” time she was “stalked” by her Hinge date in the middle of the night after just one date.

US resident Tana Mongeau believed the man she connected with on the dating app was a “super good guy” after they clicked.

However, after just one meeting, the 25-year-old realized something wasn’t quite right when he incessantly pestered her to meet up on a night when she had a job at a fashion show.

Even though she had promised him she would text him later to arrange their second meeting, shortly after one in the morning the man abruptly showed up outside the nightclub she was visiting and demanded she get into his car.

Mongeau revealed to Brooke Schofield, her Cancelled podcast co-host, “I had just gone out with him on a date the night before, and the next day, he was like, ‘I would love to see you tonight’.”

“Okay, I have this event, I thought. Following, I’ll let you know what I’m doing. Maybe we can hang out. I’ll let you know if not. He asks, “Can I come with you,” after that.

It’s a big ask, but I find it quite strange when someone invites themself after just one date. No, I wouldn’t.

The 5.3 million+ follower YouTube sensation claimed she tried to make plans to meet her date after the event since she didn’t feel comfortable having a date at work.

“I don’t want to watch over this man the entire night. I just want to be able to do what I want, she said.

“I therefore say, ‘I don’t know… let’s meet up after.’” Then he asks, “Why not? I can converse with individuals, for instance. I think it a little odd that he’s 34, you know? Maybe I’ll see you later, I thought.

She ended up attending an after-party at a LA nightclub following the event.

“So he texts me, asking, ‘What are you doing?’ I’m just like, ‘Oh, I’m still hanging out with my friends,’” she remarked.

“I tell him, ‘I know it’s 1.15 in the morning; it’s kind of late, but if you wanted to watch a movie later or hang out, I could possibly be down, but I’m going to be here.

“He says, ‘It’s all right. If you’re finished soon, I’ll be down to watch a movie even if I’m weary. Then I think, “Okay, perfect.”

“And then he asks, ‘Where are you?’” He asks me a question, and I respond. So I say, “Oh, I’m at this club just having a good time with my friends.” I’ll let you know when I’m finished.

She got a text message from her date pleading with her to go outside just five minutes later.

‘I’m outside, come get in my car,’ he texts me after five minutes. I’m outside’… Crazy,” she remembered.

“I respond, ‘What do you mean you’re outside?’” I live five minutes away, I’m outdoors, he replies.

Did I not just tell you? I ask. I’m having fun with my friends right now. Who told you to pick me up?

“That seems so weird to me. It’s okay if he’s like your boyfriend or even if we’ve been seeing each other for a month. But the day before, we went on one date. Why on earth are you out there? Avoid being outside. Be not that person.

More than 3.1 million people have watched the video, many of whom have shared their own terrible dating experiences.

I genuinely said to a man, “Maybe we can hang out later. I doze off, and he arrives to my place,” one woman claimed.

A other person said, “After I broke up with my ex, he would jog by my house and note whether or not my car was there.”

One person recalled: “Once I implied that I didn’t want to be out with a guy and said, ‘Hey sorry, I’m unwell,’ and he still showed up. Do I need to say ‘DON’T COME OVER’ out loud?

Another person continued, “He messaged saying ‘I’m here’ and I lied and told him I was out of town – I barely knew him.”