Sister, you have no idea how much you mean to me during these trying times. Even if we may not often interact, you will always be in my thoughts. To the moon and back, I love you.

As you are aware, sisters also share a special bond. It is your sister who knows precisely where to drive the knife to hurt you the most; she is the one who has known you all of your life, should love you, and will always be there for you.(Lisa See)

Sisters are similar to cats. They constantly scratch each other, but they still cuddle and daydream together.

It helps to have a sister’s hand to cling onto when making the journey through life.

We were buddies at the time, but we didn’t want to confess it. finest pals.Shannon Celeb

Our hearts say we are friends, but our roots tell we are sisters. – Not known

You were undoubtedly an only child if you don’t get how a lady might adore her sister while also wanting to strangle her.- Linda Sunspot

The buttons that our siblings push cause us to be placed in roles that we thought we had long since let go of, such as the baby, the peacekeeper, the caregiver, and the avoider. How much time has passed or how far we have come doesn’t seem to matter.(Jane Mersky Leder)