Since he first met Janet Templeton in the 1990s, Martin Sheen, a veteran of television, has been in love with her. In turn, Templeton spared the life of her husband of 60 years.

On December 23, 2022, the couple—who first met in 1960—will mark the 61st anniversary of their union. Sheen recalled first meeting Templeton in front of his son Ramon Estevez and the wider audience.

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“I was fortunate enough and smart enough to fall for her,” Sheen stated, adding that it was because he rapidly saw that Templeton was a sincere person who would not tolerate any lying.

Once he started courting her, he knew he had to up the stakes. He reasoned that she would be more charmed if she saw him on TV, and it did. Soon after moving in together, the pair got married in 1961.

Sheen said that he was being frivolous at the time, and it took him 20 years to understand what he had with Templeton:

“I didn’t understand that I was living a dishonest life and that she was my idol for approximately 20 years. I admired her freedom and said, “I want to be like that.” Wow, I want to match her level now, and that was what really changed things.

He said, “She’s the best human being I’ve ever known in my life, and I’m continually inspired by her.” The “Grace and Frankie” star professed affection for his wife.

Templeton has acting credits to her name, just like her hubby. In the 1983 “Kennedy” miniseries, she played Elaine de Kooning. Later, the native of Ohio produced “Beverly Hills Brats” in 1989 and worked as executive producer on the drama picture “The Way” (2010), in which Sheen starred.

The project’s oldest child, Emilio Estevez, who also acted in it, was “written and directed” by the film, the proud father once claimed.

Templeton kept Sheen alive.
Sheen has gone through difficult times with the mother of his children. He had a health scare in January 1976 as a result of work demands, and she stood by his side.

Sheen claimed that his “ego” drove him to make sure he watched “Apocalypse Now,” a Francis Coppola movie, through to completion. He and the director, nevertheless, were often at differences over how he should play the part.

Sheen consequently got sick and started to lose weight. Coppola had an odd manner of communicating with performers on-screen, according to a staff member:

‘You’re evil,’ he would say to Martin. I want all the negativity, aggression, and hatred within of you to come out. Francis committed a bad and risky act.

According to the source, the director indoctrinated Sheen, who in this case was “too sensitive,” by acting like a “psychiatrist.” “He put Martin in a place and didn’t bring him back,” the insider claimed.

Sheen was riled up for the film by Coppola, who also imprisoned him for two days and made him drink to get into character. The star of “The West Wing” suffered as a result of such kind of treatment.

Sheen had a heart attack one evening while he was by himself and “crawled to the side of the road.” Thankfully, he boarded a bus and a wardrobe van before being driven to the production headquarters.

When he arrived, a doctor took care of him. He then requested to see a priest, who performed his “last rites.” He was taken to the hospital, but getting there was difficult because they were in a rural location.

The renowned Hollywood celebrity had a nervous breakdown and a heart attack, and all he wanted was to see his wife by his side. He was consequently admitted to the ICU:

“I completely broke down. I let my spirit out. I sobbed nonstop. I fully went gray; my eyes, my beard, everything. In intensive care, I was. Janet dozed off next to me on the floor.

In November 2016, he remembered how Templeton rushed to find him, running “down the corridor.” She pleaded in vain as he was pushed into the space, “It’s just a movie, darling. Please remember that this is just a movie.

When Templeton advised that her husband attend a therapist, he agreed and continued to see the specialist every day until he recovered. Sheen remarked in 1979, “Those two ladies pulled me through.”

On February 1, 1992, in San Pedro, Martin Sheen and Janet Sheen attended the Rainbow Warrior Launch Party. Interestingly, it wasn’t the only time the actress supported him through difficult times. Sheen underwent quadruple-bypass heart surgery in December 2015. He received once more Templeton’s assistance as he recovered.

She was there the entire time, and despite the frightening circumstances, “she handled it like a pro,” according to Sheen. He revealed Templeton, saw to it that he was amused most of the time, and advised him to let free a little.

How Templeton and Sheen Celebrate Their Love
In November 2016, the couple marked their 55th wedding anniversary. Sheen admitted that he and his wife don’t usually make a big deal out of the holiday. They only do it, though, for their children and grandchildren. Sheen added that he and Templeton embrace their love in the following ways:

With this dame, every day is a party.

Templeton and Sheen’s son Emilio and Jacquie wanted to build up a comfortable “private restaurant” for them inside their house beside the fireplace in time for their 60th wedding anniversary in 2021.

They dressed up as cooks and prepared a five-course dinner for the old couple that evening. Emilio stated that the “charade” was so unbelievably funny that he and his partner couldn’t help but laugh aloud.

Four children were born into Sheen and Templeton’s lengthy and happy marriage. They had a daughter and three sons. Their first child, Emilio, was born in May 1962, and their second son, Ramon Estevez, was born in August of the following year.

Charlie Sheen, Templeton and Sheen’s third son, was born in September 1965, and Renee Estevez, their youngest child, was born in April 1967.