Gout is a metabolic illness in which uric acid metabolism is impaired, resulting in arthritis, particularly in the smaller bones of the foot, the formation of chalkstones, and periods of severe pain. As a result, patients experience edema and stiffness, and in extreme cases, acute pain and swelling that develops in just a few hours. The fundamental cause of gout is uric acid excess. It appears as a result of ineffective waste elimination or excessive waste generation. Uric acid is a byproduct of purines, which are found in many meals. Uric acid levels in the blood are commonly, but not always, increased in gout (hyperuricemia). Yet, only a small percentage of people with hyperuricemia develop gout.

If the kidneys are unable to clear the uric acid, it crystallizes and deposits around the joints, causing joint pain.
Yet, there are things you may do on your own to remove uric acid and enhance your health. The first step is to alter your lifestyle and food. Following that, you must follow a healthy diet that is high in fresh colored fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish, and whole unprocessed unenriched grains. Reduce your intake of processed sugars such as high-fructose corn syrup, saturated fat-rich foods, and alcohol.

Drink plenty of water since it keeps the body hydrated and aids in the elimination of toxins and uric acid overload. Water, natural juices (no added sugar), fruit-infused water, and herbal teas can help keep your body hydrated (you can use honey to sweeten). Reduce stress with simple physical routines or exercises whenever possible (and you must).
The following are some natural gout tonics:
• Baking soda appears to be a promising prophylactic candidate for lowering uric acid levels in the body. Every day, add half a teaspoon to a glass of water and drink it. In the event of a current gout attack, use the entire teaspoon.
• Lemon water can also be beneficial. When the body is more alkaline than acidic, the system is able to prevent a variety of health issues, including gout. Lemon water enhances bodily alkalinity and prevents the production of uric acid crystals. • Squeeze half a lemon into 200 ml of warm water and drink it on an empty stomach every morning. • Apple cider vinegar, like lemon, promotes bodily alkalinity. Its malic acid is excellent in dissolving uric acid and removing it from the body. Every day, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 200 ml of water and drink it before lunch and dinner.
The following are the greatest foods to eat to prevent or treat gout:
• Curcumin, contained in turmeric, protects the kidneys and is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.
• Bromelain, found in pineapples, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities.
• Flaxseed-due to its great helpful features, it can lower participants’ serum uric acid.