We could all use some sound counsel now and then. When we are struggling to weather one of life’s storms, many of us turn to our grandparents for consolation. In this widely shared Internet anecdote, a grandmother imparts some simple wisdom to her youngster.

Although the author of this essay is unknown, their wise words are universal and can be enjoyed by anybody.

A young woman pays a visit to her grandma at the start of the novel. She is anxious about the situation of her life and requires assistance. Her grandmother responds with a carrot, eggs, and coffee…

A young woman went to see her grandma and told her about her life and how bad things had gotten. She was afraid and wanted to give up since she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was sick of fighting and suffering. As soon as one problem was solved, another one arose.

Her grandmother led her to the kitchen. She half-filled three pots with water and set them on high heat. The pots quickly overflowed. She filled the first with carrots, the second with eggs, and the third with ground coffee beans. She sat there calmly, waiting for them to boil.

She turned off the stoves after around twenty minutes. She gathered the carrots and placed them in a bowl. She then took the eggs out of the carton and put them in a bowl. After ladling out the coffee, she poured it into a bowl.

‘Tell me what you observe,’ she instructed her granddaughter. She mentioned carrots, eggs, and coffee.

“She drew her in and asked her to feel the carrots.” She did, and she noticed how silky they were. She then instructed her to crack an egg.

She examined the hard-boiled egg after removing the shell. She finally invited her to take a sip of her coffee. The girl smiled as she inhaled the lovely perfume.

“What does that mean, Grandmother?” the granddaughter inquired. According to her grandma, despite the fact that all of these objects were faced to the same challenge – boiling water – they each performed differently.

The carrot was tough and unyielding. Nevertheless, when exposed to boiling water, it melted and weakened.

The egg was fragile. Its liquid interior had been shielded by its thin outer shell. Its core, however, solidified after being placed in boiling water.

Ground coffee beans, on the other hand, were unique. They changed the water once they were in the hot water.

‘Which of you are you?’ she asked her granddaughter. ‘How do you deal with hardship when it comes knocking? “Do you want to be a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?”

“Think about it: Who am I?”

“Am I the carrot that appears to be strong but is actually full of agony and adversity?” “Will I wilt, weaken, and lose my strength?”

“Am I the egg with a pliable heart that reacts to heat?” Is my spirit alive and healthy, but have I become harsh and rigid as a result of a death, a divorce, a financial hardship, or another adversity? Is my outer appearance consistent with my inner bitterness and harshness, as evidenced by a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

“Do I resemble a coffee bean?” The agony is caused by the bean changing the hot water. The aroma and flavor of your life are released when the water heats up.

When things are at their worst, if you’re like the bean, you improve and adapt to your surroundings. Do you make progress when the hours are the darkest and the challenges are the most difficult?

This encounter made me reflect on who I am in difficult times. Which of these describe you? Is it better to have a carrot, an egg, or a cup of coffee?

Inform your friends and family about this parable!