Teaching assistant Tracey, 58, of Leamington Spa had an idyllic two-week getaway to Hurghada’s gorgeous white beaches in her head. Her fantasy vacation, however, swiftly turned into a nightmare when her family was attacked by infected mosquito bites and experienced catastrophic medication-related mishaps in the resort’s amenities.

In 2022, Tracey set out on their Egyptian adventure with her daughter Britt, 25, and son-in-law Liam, 31. wishing for a restorative vacation. Unfortunately, their hopes were dashed when they discovered that they were sick and confined to their room while personnel dealt with disturbances and the puzzling case of a dead dog.

After being ill for two weeks, things started to change.
Tracey and her family underwent a difficult two-week period of sickness inside the limitations of a decaying room because they were stranded and unable to travel home or find other lodging. One had an offensive smell that reminded people of sewage. Tracey revealed her terrifying vacation experience in Hurghada, asking to remain anonymous for the sake of her family.

To avoid the summer crowds, Tracey happily booked a relaxing vacation for her family in April 2022. For her daughter, who hadn’t been abroad in 13 years, it was a major vacation. And it was her son-in-law’s first trip abroad. Nevertheless, as Tracey bemoaned, “What could go wrong just bl**dy well went wrong!”

I was covered in insect bites, but that was only a portion of the issue.
Constant mosquito bites on their ankles started their miserable ordeal the first night. They were shocked to find there was no hot water when they tried to clean the wounds in the restroom. Tracey reported what truly transpired with her travel agency, despite the staff’s assurances that they would resolve the problem. “I was unable to take a shower or clean my feet and ankles for four days without hot water.”

As Tracey begged for a relaxing and hygienic bath to ease her aching and swollen legs and ankles, the suffering grew intolerable. The mosquito bites got worse, turning into yellow lesions that flowed and made it difficult for her to move. A bite on her eyelid also caused her face to swell and turn red for two days.

Tracey indicated that the bathroom was disgustingly filthy in her description of its condition. She remembered the bath well as being “thick with grime” and even seeing a bug inside of it. In addition, there was a foul sewage smell that pervaded the resort. While she described the public restrooms as disgusting in her trip report.

It continued getting worse, as if the insect bites and filthy hotel facilities weren’t horrible enough.
In retrospect, Tracey told her travel agency that she had little chance of enjoying her vacation because of the diseases brought on by the mosquito bites. I couldn’t go snorkeling or swim with the dolphins during the boat tour I had joined, she regretted. I couldn’t properly sunbathe because I had to cover my legs and ankles.

She continued by expressing her dismay, saying, “It truly felt like a futile endeavor.” Tracey experienced an unfortunate incident at the terrace bar the day after getting her vaccination: a sudden, uncontrollable spell of severe diarrhea. Britt had to run around the resort to clean up after her because she was also itching from mosquito bites.

As Tracey remarked, “I was and still am thoroughly embarrassed, as everyone could witness what had transpired,” the embarrassing aspect of the incident had a profound impact on her. Her clothing was torn beyond repair and thrown out as a result of the occurrence. She described herself in great detail as “an absolute bl**dy mess.”

Tracey stressed that she had never experienced such humiliating circumstances before when she looked back on her previous experiences in Egypt, which spanned 17 years. She jokingly commented that one oddity of the holiday was having to stand outside the cubicle and clap to keep the motion sensor light on, despite her terrible condition.

The entire journey was a complete nightmare.
Tracey reported the sights of anarchy that occurred during their time at the resort. She claims that during their trip, the family saw a disturbing incident where a staff worker was attacked by six individuals. She recalled, “It all started at midnight and continued until about 3:30 in the morning. “The altercation started out in the area of the terrace bar and finally moved into the restaurant… To attack the porter covertly and out of sight, they hauled him up to the restaurant.

She told her travel agency that she was unhappy, saying, “I would expect this kind of behavior in Benidorm.” For her daughter, who had not been on an international trip in 13 years because of her PTSD and anxiety difficulties, the trip had special significance. “The holiday was meant to give her a fresh start,” Tracey added. This was her chance to get away from everything after going through a horrible experience five years prior, but it turned out to be absolutely horrifying.

There were even dog bites in addition to staff beatings and mosquito bites.
A different incident involved a visitor who left a dead dog in the lobby. “Wrapped in a blanket, she placed it on a chair, sparking a heated argument between her and another guest, eventually involving the staff,” she recalled. The dead dog ultimately ended up outside the hotel’s entrance, where a staff member had to remove it. It’s all so ludicrous, it’s beyond comprehension,” she remarked.

Tracey expressed her feelings of wanting to go back to the UK in a matter of days if given the chance. She worried that her condition would worsen throughout the flight because of the swelling in her feet and ankles. She was honest in her admission, saying, “The thought of thrombosis genuinely worried me, so I felt compelled to remain and continue taking antibiotics until I personally felt it was safe and confident to travel back home.”

The family’s emotional ordeal was finally over, and it was time to return home.
The time had finally come for Tracey and her family to return home, but they were met with yet another obstacle when the expected transfer to the airport did not occur. “We were told the transfer will be there for us at 6 o’clock. We waited for 30 to 40 minutes before having to call an Uber on our own, she said in frustration. “It was utterly horrible. Even trying to leave the area proved impossible.

Tracey had to visit a doctor in the UK after leaving since a fresh infection had emerged. Tracey contacted the event planners and asked for compensation, eager to solve the problems they ran into and the distress and disappointment they felt. Following a thorough inquiry, her agency made an offer of £850, which was equal to the price of the hotel. She ultimately accepted the offer.

The Hotel Aqua Beach Resort in Hurghada eventually shut down. The resort has subsequently reopened under new management and undergone considerable renovations, according to an announcement by Tracey’s travel agency, which has resulted in noticeably better evaluations.