Spanish submarine expert and engineer José Luis Martín said it is likely the doomed sub, which was on a deep sea voyage to explore the Titanic wreckage, imploded “as if a balloon was punctured” after free-falling for about 1000m.
According to a submarine expert who has presented his perspective on what happened, the five persons who died on the Titan submersible would have known their fate for roughly one minute before the craft tragically disintegrated.

The tragic sub, which was on a deep sea expedition to study the Titanic ruins, is likely to have collapsed “as if a balloon was punctured” after free-falling for roughly 1000 meters, according to Spanish submarine expert and engineer José Luis Martn.

The passengers would have realized they were going to die during the free-fall because they would have “crowded on top of each other” due to the force of the descent, which lasted between 48 and 71 seconds, according to his estimations.

According to him, “It had to be like a horror movie,” he told the Spanish news source Nius Diario.

Suleman Dawood, a 19-year-old Pakistani businessman, Shahzada Dawood, CEO of OceanGate Stocktun Rush, British entrepreneur Hamish Harding, and French diver Paul-Henri Nargeolet were also killed when the ship imploded during the deep-sea expedition.

According to Martn, the Titan would have lost stability at a depth of roughly 1700 meters, at which point a “electrical failure” would have rendered it motorless and incapable of propulsion.

He remarked, according to a translation of Nius, “The Titan changes position and falls vertically like an arrow because the 400kg of passengers who were in the porthole unbalance the submarine.”

“They all hurry and cram in close together.

Imagine the terror, fear, and suffering. It has to be scary movie-like.

According to Martn, the passengers would have known what was going on at this point even if it was completely dark.

“After those 48 seconds, or a minute, the implosion and death take place sudden, instantaneous,” he claimed.

Everyone must have had a really difficult time during that period because they were all falling violently and were aware that their time was running out.

“It was definitely the worst because everything happened so quickly at that point. There was an immediate contraction. The implosion resembled the puncture of a balloon. The sudden death came on quickly.

Martn’s calculations are based on the submersible’s weight, propulsion, mass, and acceleration, as well as the free-falling object’s speed and the water’s coefficient of friction on a falling body.

Last month, as bits of the debris from the minivan-sized Titan arrived in Canada, presumed human remains were discovered among the wreckage.

The remains were among the pieces of evidence recovered from the wreckage, according to the Coast Guard.

While the Marine Board of Investigation continues to gather evidence and conduct witness interviews, US medical experts will formally analyze the bodies.

According to OceanGate, the company that ran the submersible, the boat had only five adults’ worth of space and was composed of carbon fiber and titanium.

Investigators from the US, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom are collaborating closely to comprehend the June 18 accident, with the US Coast Guard serving as the lead agency in the investigation into why Titan imploded.

On June 22, authorities declared the ship had exploded, and they also found that all of the passengers were killed.