The body is equipped with inbuilt clocks and systems that assist us in maintaining control over our physical operations. It is also important to note that because they are interconnected, physical and spiritual health shouldn’t be evaluated in isolation.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body devotes different energies to various organs throughout the 24-hour cycle according to patterns of energy placements to various parts of the body at various periods.

Therefore, if you consistently wake up at the same time, it may be a sign that some of your energy is being blocked, which throws off the natural equilibrium. Most of these impediments are visible from both a bodily and spiritual perspective. You can utilize the list of occasions and organs they are related to, which is provided below, to determine the root of your symptoms.


9 pm To 11 pm
The majority of people retire to bed between the hours of 9 and 11 pm. You should be aware that this is the moment when the enzymes are replenishing and the endocrine system is regaining its equilibrium.
The endocrine system regulates hormones and metabolism, so if you are having problems going asleep at this time, it’s quite possible that you are still in a flight or fight state. Simply defined, you are either dealing with the events of the day or getting ready for the next day.

A hefty meal later in the day or poor nutrition may also contribute to these obstructions.
1 am to 11 pm
As yin energy transforms into yang at this time, waking up at this time on a frequent basis may be a sign of unresolved bitterness.
Yang energy is very active and should be stored by the body for the next day. It is advised to maintain composure, conserve energy, and strengthen love and pleasant emotions in order to handle this problem.
If you are eating bad fats, which the gallbladder has difficulties breaking down, that is most certainly one of the physical explanations.

12:01 to 3:01

The body is currently going through a process of detoxification and rejuvenation. As well as eliminating pollutants, the liver is producing new, pure blood. It may be a sign of negative formations, such as rage and irritation, to awaken during this hour. The liver is trying to give you a massage if you’re ignoring these spiritual toxins!

3 to 5 a.m.

The lungs heal themselves and fill the body with oxygen between the hours of three and five in the morning. You need to be warm enough to speed up body function. From a spiritual perspective, your lung issues can be brought on by despair and grief. Try some breathing exercises if you find that you keep waking up at this period.
Ascension, the process of raising your vibrational levels, may also lead you to awaken at this time. Other factors include lucid dreaming, dietary changes, heightened sensitivity to strange noises, and extended cold spells.

5 to 7 a.m.

During this time, the large intestine is very busy, breaking down poisons and eliminating them from the body. A bad diet or eating too late may be the cause of waking up at this hour every day.