I remember when we got our firstborn. How could I have forgotten it was four months ago? We were ecstatic and overwhelmed with happy stress. But you never know what’s going to happen until you realize your child absolutely CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT YOU and you have to be there for them 24 hours a day, seven days a week till they grow up. It’s a responsibility bigger than us, something we prioritize over ourselves. No other feeling can compare that of being a parent.

Yet this is a very different story. Becki Allen was startled beyond belief when doctors told her the news! According to some calculations, her instance was one of 200 million.

She had a beautiful daughter a few years before she learned the unexpected news, and she was overjoyed to tell her that she would be a big sister.

The cheerful family from Liverpool, England, aspired to be truly wealthy and to have additional children. But when they saw the ultrasound, they had no idea they’d have so many… all at once! They were expecting three children. But wait, there’s more! They had three identical triplets on the way!

Becki suffered from severe headaches during her pregnancy. When doctors learned about it, they immediately ordered an ultrasound to ensure that everything was in order.

“It was the worst shock of my life!” Becki told the Liverpool Echo. We don’t have any triplets in the family, so it was entirely unexpected.”

They had a name for one child, but not for three, so they came up with three lovely names for the boys: Roman, Rocco, and Rohan, the Tripple R! They were born via Caesarean section in the 31st week of pregnancy. They weighted between 3-5 pounds and had to spend the first couple of weeks in intensive care.

Complications in triplets are not uncommon. On the contrary, triplets frequently develop compilations and, worse, perish.

Fortunately for this family, they gave birth to fighters who were all healthy and gained regular weight. They were given to the family after a month of intense care.

Doctors tried to convince them that not all of the boys were identical, but after seeing these photos, I have to disagree!

They decided that they were genetically identical after doing DNA tests. It is highly unusual for them to be identical triplets.

Even if viewers can’t differentiate who’s who, Becki said: “It’s only when they’re asleep that they appear the same to me. They all, however, have very different personalities. And they all have dark birthmarks between their brows, albeit Roman’s is significantly darker than the others, and Rohan has a birthmark on his leg.”

Becki spends a small fortune on diapers alone: over $100 every week for nearly 150 diapers. She also buys 5 packs of wipes every week. It’s not easy being a full-time mom to these little bundles of pleasure.

Indiana (their big sister) is overjoyed and delighted to be a part of raising these three young fighters.

“Indiana adores them,” Becki stated. She’s not the least bit envious. I do feel sad for her when I consider what it will be like to grow up with three younger brothers!”

How could you not be smitten by these three adorable boys? I have one, and I will be eternally grateful to him… I can’t picture having two more at the same time! They are a fortunate and happy family, and most importantly, a Wealthy family!