Apple’s recent iPhone 15 lineup announcement may have captured everyone’s attention, but the tech giant is now facing a setback concerning one of its older models – the iPhone 12. Released in 2020, the iPhone 12 has been widely regarded as one of Apple’s most popular phones in recent years. However, a report from Reuters reveals that Apple has been asked to halt sales of the iPhone 12 in France due to concerns about radiation levels.

According to France’s junior minister for the digital economy, Jean-Noel Barrot, the iPhone 12 was found to exceed the threshold radiation levels set by the nation’s radiation authority ANFR. As a result, the French government has requested that Apple stop selling the model in France. The government has given Apple a two-week deadline to respond to the issue, and failure to address the problem could potentially lead to a recall of all iPhone 12 devices in circulation.

The specific concern is related to the iPhone 12’s Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which measures the amount of radiation absorbed by the body when using the device. Regulatory bodies in different countries have established exposure limits for RF radiation, the type emitted by mobile phones. These limits aim to protect users from potential health risks associated with prolonged exposure to RF radiation. Some studies have suggested a link between high SAR values and certain types of cancer.

It’s worth noting that the World Health Organization (WHO) has previously stated that there is no evidence to suggest that the radiation emitted by mobile phones is harmful to humans. However, scientists acknowledge that there is still much to learn about the safety risks associated with mobile phones, especially for those devices manufactured before the 1990s.

Apple has responded to the situation, highlighting that this issue is specific to the testing protocol used by French regulators and is not a safety concern. The company asserts that the iPhone 12 has been certified and meets or exceeds all applicable SAR regulations and standards worldwide. Apple has also assured users in France that a software update will be released to accommodate the testing protocol used by French regulators, thereby allowing the iPhone 12 to continue to be available.

It is important to mention that regulatory bodies set limits on RF radiation exposure to ensure the well-being of consumers. While some concerns have been raised, the overall safety of mobile phones, including the iPhone 12, remains established. The forthcoming software update is expected to address the specific testing requirements in France, providing reassurance to iPhone 12 users.

Apple’s commitment to addressing this concern promptly demonstrates their dedication to consumer satisfaction and compliance with regulatory standards. The company’s statement reiterates its dedication to meeting or exceeding safety regulations around the world.