As a parent, you are always on the lookout for anything or situations that could endanger your child. You cut their food into small bits so they don’t choke, plug in every light bulb in the house, and keep harmful goods out of reach.

Even if you do everything correctly, your child may be injured. Most of the time, all they get is a minor bump or a scrape. Sometimes they get something more unexpected—and more serious.

Eden Strong experienced something similar. Despite her best attempts to keep his bath toys clean, her two-year-old son Baylor almost lost his sight after one of them infected him with bacteria.

According to Strong, the nanny was giving Baylor a bath when one of his rubber bath toys accidently squirted water into his eye. Soon later, his eye began to become pink.

Strong stated that she had read posts in which other mothers had torn open their children’s bath toys and discovered considerable amounts of mold inside.

“I knew water may get caught in tub toys, especially the rubber ones that squirt water,” she explained. “So I squeezed them out after each bath, washed them out every few weeks with a bleach water solution, and regularly put them up to the light to inspect for mold.”

What she didn’t realize was that bacteria may still grow up within bath toys even after regular cleaning. This is due to the fact that they never completely dry. Yet, this bacteria is sometimes invisible to the naked eye.

Doctors initially told Strong and her husband that their son had pinkeye. His eye, on the other hand, continued to deteriorate.

“Now his eye was actually protruding from between his eyelids, and I just remember yelling at my husband to call 911 or grab the car,” she explained.

The doctors insisted on having a CT scan done. Strong was apprehensive to subject her small kid to such high levels of radiation, but she agreed. He had significant cellulitis, according to the scan.

“It has the potential to spread to his brain. And I would never have guessed that a bathtub toy could achieve something like this,” Strong remarked.

Baylor, thankfully, has recovered completely.