What the historical Jesus Christ could have looked like has been a topic of discussion among theologians and historians for about two thousand years.

The Catholic Church and Renaissance artists frequently depict the Son of God as a tall, massive European with long, blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

However, the majority of historians concur that a carpenter’s son born in contemporary Palestine would have the same physical traits as the locals of that era: a shorter, stockier body, and curly black hair.

However, a cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology used by a Dutch photographer and digital artist may have finally put an end to the argument.

Bas Uterwijk, a specialist in algorithmic picture synthesis, produced a magnificent image of Jesus using Artbreeder’s machine learning features.

His “historically accurate” portrayal of the Messiah contrasts sharply with images of the Messiah found in Western art and religious texts.

I have experience with computer-generated imagery and special effects, Mr. Uterwijk claimed.An artificial neural network that has been trained on images and paintings of thousands of human faces is used by the artificial intelligence program.

With the help of this application, users can blend several sources of faces and merge them into a synthesised version under the user’s artistic direction. I use it to construct both real-life and made-up characters.

I modified the ethnicity to a more plausible Middle-Eastern face using a variety of cultural representations of Jesus of Nazareth from Byzantine and Renaissance origins, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi” and the Turin Shroud.

Even though I felt the outcome lacked historical truth, he continued, “I was delighted with the outcome as a reflection of a collective cultural depiction.

“So I pushed the Renaissance art to the side and modified the hair and beard to a more period-appropriate length and style, adding aspects from some Fayum mummy paintings.

The end result is more of an artistic interpretation of what this individual might have looked like than a meticulous attempt to capture an exact likeness.

Although there has been debate on the veracity of Jesus’s appearance since Christmas 2020, this magnificent image has returned this year.

The Bible claims that Jesus was born to a Jewish family in Bethlehem in 4 BC, raised there, and then finally settled in Nazareth in what is now Israel.

Although Jesus is rarely shown in any detail in the gospels, the clothes he wore are recorded in several of them.

According to Joan Taylor, a seasoned researcher and the author of What Did Jesus Look Like, Jesus was most likely around the height of a man in his day, which was 5 feet 5 inches.

According to Taylor, the people of Judea and Egypt had dark olive skin, dark black hair, and brown eyes. This information is also supported by ancient writings, other artifacts, and mummy photos.

Everyone can picture what Jesus looked like, she said. Everywhere we look, we see images of Jesus. It is a universal image. It’s an occurrence.

“So we believe we can identify him. We don’t even need to put in any effort.

However, the classic depictions in paintings—including the long hair, robe, and beard—actually date to the 4th or 5th Century.

“In actuality, he didn’t look anything like that. Jesus was not an ill-looking man. He wasn’t from Europe. He was a Jew living in his era. He was a man very much of his day.

He would have had dark skin, shortish black hair—long hair was exceedingly unusual in the first century—a beard, and sandals, the professor who specializes in the history of Christianity said.

“He was a nomad. He was out in public. He accepted gifts from complete strangers. He was among the underprivileged.

The philosopher Celsus, who lived in the second century, claimed that Jesus was scruffy, a wanderer, and untidy; he appeared to be begging. With everything that we know about Jesus, this makes sense.

“He even claimed to be homeless. The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head, as he said: “Foxes have burrows, and birds have nests.

Taylor believes that Jesus would have looked like a typical Jewish man of the first century even though he would have had some cultural contact with Europeans and Africans, who would have had darker skin.

Because Jews in Judea and Egypt intermarried often, it is possible that Jesus resembled the average person of his period in the Middle East.

In order to counteract the incidence of lice, archives indicate that Judeans often maintained their hair and beards short and well-combed.

The picture bears striking resemblances to the work of forensic facial reconstruction specialist Richard Neave, who in 2001 attempted to imitate the appearance of a Judean man similar to Jesus from the first century.

His likeness was depicted in the BBC program Son of God and was modeled after an Israelite skull from the first century.