A woman dressed simply and with a gloomy expression walked inside a supermarket!

She approached the proprietor and requested if she may take some items and pay later.

She said, softly, that her husband was terribly ill and unable to work, that they had seven children, and that they needed food.

Unmoved, the store’s owner directed the guards to force the woman out. However, the woman who was concerned about her family persisted in her request:

“Please accept my payment as soon as possible.” The store’s owner stated that he could not provide food on credit to someone he did not know. A customer stood at the store’s entrance, listening in on the talk.

The customer approached the proprietor and expressed his interest in his wife’s purchases, but he ignored her. The store’s owner contacted the woman and inquired, “Do you have a shopping list?” She responded

“Yes, sir,” he says. “All right, put your list on the scales, and while you weigh it, I’ll feed you,” he said. He paused for a bit before turning upside down, taking a piece of paper, and writing about it. The woman then frightenedly placed the paper on the scales.

The scales quickly sank as if I had placed a stone on them. Both the store owner and the customer were taken aback by him.

The shopkeeper began putting food on the other side of the scales, but she didn’t even move, so more and more food was added, but because the scales never fit, she couldn’t take it any longer and stole the piece of paper.

to check if there is any sort of trick. The shopkeeper read the newspaper with wonder…

It wasn’t a shopping list; it was a prayer that said, “Lord, Lord, You know my needs; I leave this predicament in Your hands.”

The store owner handed the woman all of the food on the scales and remained silent as she left.

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