The bear’s unusual position and appearance as she stands on her hind legs led many to conclude that it wasn’t a real bear, but rather a person disguised as one:

The bear in the video does have a peculiar appearance; with its straight back and loose fur folds on its backside, it does hauntingly like a person wearing a costume.

In a society where people pay thousands of dollars to transform themselves into border collies, could it be possible that a zoo replaced one of its animals with a human imposter?

The answer, according to the zoo, which was compelled to confront the unusual rumors, is no. Angela the sun bear, in their opinion, is simply another sun bear.

“I got a call after work yesterday from the head of the zoo asking if I was being lazy and skipped work today and found a human to take my place,” the zoo said in a statement from Angela’s point of view.

Once more, let me state to everyone that I am a sun bear, not a black bear or a dog.

Another factor contributing to the public’s skepticism is their ignorance of the sun bear, which the zoo claims is the smallest bear species.

The zoo stated, “When one thinks of bears, the first thing that comes to mind is a big figure and great power. “However, not all bears are enormous threats. We Malayan bears are the tiniest bears in the entire world.

The Malayan sun bear is a vulnerable species that is endangered by illegal hunting and deforestation. Their population has shrunk by 35% during the last three decades.

Wong Siew Te, a wildlife biologist and the founder of the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center (BSBCC), told CNN that “not enough people know about sun bears; they are a very forgotten species.”

“Most bear species can stand on their hind legs, but sun bears stand up tall because it allows them to access higher ground and see around more thoroughly. I suppose that’s why people get confused because female sun bears even hold their pups in both hands while walking on their feet.

Sun bears are normally “fat and round,” he continued, but their skin may become loose if food became scarce.

A zoo spokesman disproved the claims by pointing out that a person could not survive the summer heat while donning a large fur costume, in case you’re still not persuaded that it’s a real sun bear and not a person in a suit.

Unusually unusual viral story! Even though the sun bear may have baffled people all across the world, it is a fragile species that demands care.