It’s difficult to comprehend how anyone could mistreat an innocent animal, especially their own pet. After all, pets are nothing but loyal and loving, deserving of all the love in the world. Unfortunately, not everyone sees it that way. Some people view pets as disposable, only valuable as long as they are “cute” and “useful.” When their pet becomes a burden, they simply get rid of them.

This heartbreaking situation is exactly what happened to a cute little dog named Coralina. When she was 8-10 years old, she was callously pushed out of a moving car on the Kentucky countryside. Her owner abandoned her, leaving her to face a life on the streets all by herself. To make matters worse, Coralina was not only getting older, but she was also pregnant. How heartless can a person be?

Thankfully, Coralina’s story took a turn for the better when she was discovered and rescued. However, she was then taken to a kill shelter where she essentially faced a death sentence.

That’s when Art Shaul, a compassionate 69-year-old retiree from St. Petersburg, Florida, stepped in. Art has been an animal lover his entire life and has helped save numerous homeless dogs.

A Lifelong Love for Animals

Art’s passion for animals began at a young age. When he was a child, he held a dog in his arms as it tragically passed away after being hit by a car. This heartbreaking experience ignited a fire within him to protect and care for animals.

Despite the fact that the animal shelter where Coralina resided was hundreds of miles away, Art didn’t hesitate. He jumped in his car and embarked on the long drive to adopt Coralina.

Upon reaching the shelter, Art made sure the back seat of his car was comfortable for Coralina and began the journey back home. Little did he know that the adventure was just beginning…

A Surprise Delivery

As Art and Coralina crossed the Florida state line, Art glanced back at the backseat and noticed that Coralina was showing signs of going into labor. Moments later, to his astonishment, her first puppy arrived!

“I was a little shocked. I was thrilled but scared at the same time,” Art recalls.

While giving birth in the back of a car was certainly not ideal, Art did everything in his power to create a safe environment. He even had a knife available to cut the umbilical cords.

Welcoming a New Family

Coralina successfully gave birth to six healthy and adorable puppies. With Art’s determination, each of them found loving homes, including Coralina herself.

“Coralina will be spoiled rotten. And after what happened to her, she deserves it,” Art proudly states.

It’s disheartening that some individuals view animals as mere objects or accessories, but it’s comforting to know that there are people like Art who go above and beyond to support and protect these innocent creatures.

Art’s actions not only ensured a better life for Coralina and her puppies but also restored our faith in humanity. Let’s celebrate and share this heartwarming story to spread the message of love and compassion towards all animals.

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