In the face of danger, some individuals rise above and display extraordinary acts of heroism. One such individual is William Kyle Carpenter, a true American hero. At the age of 21, Lance Corporal Carpenter, a member of the United States Marines, was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010. Little did he know that his actions during a gruesome firefight would earn him the Medal of Honor.

During the intense firefight, a grenade landed perilously close to Carpenter and his fellow Marine. Without a moment’s hesitation, Carpenter acted selflessly, jumping on the grenade to shield his comrade from its deadly blast. In that moment, he offered up his life to save another.

The explosion left Carpenter with life-threatening injuries, and technically, he shouldn’t have survived. However, against all odds, he did. Over the next two years, Carpenter underwent an astounding forty surgeries to repair his damaged body. Through it all, his bravery and sacrifice did not go unnoticed.

In recognition of his incredible act of heroism, Carpenter was awarded the Purple Heart and presented with the Medal of Honor, the most esteemed military decoration, by President Barack Obama. This prestigious accolade is reserved for those who go above and beyond the call of duty, displaying extraordinary bravery and selflessness.

Today, Carpenter is retired from military service and is pursuing his education at the University of South Carolina. He continues to inspire others with his resilience and unwavering commitment to service.

Join us in showing your support for this incredible individual who willingly sacrificed himself to save another life.