Real-life heroes exist and are not limited to movies or comic books; these people perform exceptional things, often at the expense of great sacrifice.

Last Tuesday in Kansas City, a crossing guard gave his life to save children who may have died.

Eighty eight year old, Bob Nill had served as a crossing guard at Christ the King Parish School for five years and the pupils held him in high respect many of them dubbed him “Mr. Bob”.

A dark vehicle drove through Nill’s crossing at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, according to accounts.

Nill put himself in danger in order to save two youngsters.

“He stopped [two kids], and they listened, thank God,” school principal Cathy Fithian told KMBC 9.

According to witnesses, Nill shoved the youngsters out of the road as the automobile drove by. Tragically, he got hit. Randy, his nephew, said the brave act was not out of character for him.

“What my Uncle Bob did for merely moving tiny kids across the street appeared perhaps minor to some people, but it was a really vital job for him, and now we really realize how essential it was,” he explained. He might have saved some lives.”

Prior to retiring, Nill worked in banking and served in the Coast Guard. As he retired from full-time employment, he continued to give back to his community by working as a crossing guard.

“I think he felt like he could help children while also making himself feel good about what he was doing,” Randy explained.

On Tuesday, Christ the King Parish School issued a statement on their Facebook page.

“We’d like to provide you with an update on our crossing guard, Mr. Nill. We are saddened to notify you of his death. Please continue to pray for Mr. Nill and his family, as well as the students, parents, and instructors who witnessed the accident today.

“You should also know that Mr. Nill is a hero. As the car neared, he stopped two of our pupils from crossing the street.”

Bob Nill, rest in peace. Your actions saved lives, and you will be remembered as a hero for that.