Alex Sydney felt misled and hurt when he realized his lover was born male. After discovering her oestrogen tablets, he confronted her about it.

Alex was enraged that she had lied to him about something so serious and abruptly ended things.

Alex felt deceived when he found out through a mutual friend that his fiancée was born male.

He said that they had been in an intimate relationship for nine months and was caught aback when a friend casually informed him of the major secret.

Alex stated that everything appeared to be going swimmingly. Until one night, when a mutual buddy, who was inebriated, informed me:

‘Hey, Alex, I’ve been keeping something from you that I think you should know about. I can’t leave you with the impression that this is a wonderful and honest relationship. Your girlfriend is a man who had surgery when he was 18 years old.’

I didn’t trust him at first, and my emotions were so mixed up that I couldn’t accept the news.

I was angry, cold, and confused of what to do because my mind was racing with so many thoughts and feelings, said Alex.

I eventually called it quits on the relationship.

Is it fair that he dumped his girlfriend? Let us know what you think in the Facebook comments section.