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Have you ever wondered what lies beyond life? Well, let me introduce you to Gavrilă Bărnuţiu, a Romanian man who had an extraordinary near-death experience.

In a captivating video shared on YouTube, he shares his incredible journey where he encountered his deceased parents, conversed with angels, and witnessed the breathtaking beauty of heaven.

Gavrilă Bărnuţiu's near-death experience

Gavrilă describes how, during his near-death state, he caught sight of a magnificent gate. The colors were vibrant and alive, reflecting the essence of his own being.

As he looked into the depths of the grave, he marveled at his lifeless body, astonished by the body he now possessed.

On the right side of the gate stood an angel who revealed to Gavrilă the fate of those who pass away.

The earthly body decays in the ground, while the soul receives a heavenly or hellish form. Gavrilă had been granted a temporary body that allowed him to experience both heaven and hell as a guest.

With trepidation, Gavrilă cautiously approached the gate and expressed his unworthiness to step into the brightness and beauty that lay beyond. But the angels reassured him gently, encouraging him to overcome his fear.

As he entered, an incredible sensation washed over him – he felt weightless, as if walking on air. It was a joy that surpassed human understanding, fulfilling the words written in the Bible: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.”

Heaven's beauty

Although Gavrilă only caught a glimpse of heaven, he knew that there was more to discover. He eagerly awaited the day when he would inherit his new body and witness the wonders of God’s kingdom in their entirety. He knew he had been given a second chance that he referred to as being a “guest.”