Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, the account of a woman who was almost pronounced dead yet survived will make you wonder what happens when a person dies.

A semi-truck struck a woman named Valerie Paters in March of 2020. Her car collided with the huge vehicle, causing her serious injuries. When first responders came, they were convinced Valerie would not survive.

Valerie’s family was told at the hospital that her prospects of survival were minimal. They had low expectations. They later stated that Valerie exhibited no cerebral activity.

While doctors struggled for her life, members of the church she attended, together with her family, prayed.

Cheryl, Valerie’s sister, never gave up hope. Instead, she went to God and begged him to assist her sister. Cheryl cited Psalm 118:17 in the Bible for her sister, saying, “I will not die but live, and will announce what the LORD has done.” She had no idea that her request would be answered miraculously.

Valerie had a heavenly experience while her loved ones on Earth were waiting for her to recover. She traveled to Paradise, which she described as having a bright brilliance.

As she opened her eyes, she said it was Jesus himself who welcomed her to Heaven while smiling at her.

“I felt all of His emotion for me,” she recalled. “I felt like I’d arrived… I now feel like I belong here.”

“All he wants is me,” she remarked about Jesus. “There was nothing I did for Him. It wasn’t because of my performance. Nothing. That was only me, and I wasn’t simply loved by Him. But He had feelings for me.”

Everyone was taken aback by Valerie’s statements. She even described what happened when Jesus told her she had to return to Earth.