A heartwarming tale of love and determination unfolded when a Boston couple found themselves in a predicament just days before their dream wedding in Italy. Donato Frattaroli and Magda Mazri were faced with a major obstacle when their beloved golden retriever, Chickie, decided to chew up the groom’s passport. But this couple wasn’t about to let anything ruin their special day!

When Donato first discovered his shredded and wet passport, panic set in. He’s usually an organized person who rarely loses or misplaces things, so this situation caught him off guard. Magda, on the other hand, is known for her calm and methodical nature. She turned to Donato’s usual composure and asked herself, “What would Donato do in this situation?” This challenge revealed the strength of their teamwork and their ability to overcome any hurdle.

Replacing the passport became their top priority, and they quickly discovered that obtaining a same-day appointment in Boston was nearly impossible. Desperate to make their Italian wedding happen, they reached out to local officials, who connected them with US Senator Edward Markey and Representative Stephen Lynch. With their help, a passport appointment was arranged in Boston just a week later. Donato’s willingness to travel anywhere in the country for a passport made the process easier than expected.