When asked if they had any regrets or what they would do differently, common themes emerged again and again. Here are the five most common.

  1. “I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself rather than for the sake of others.”

When you are nearing the end of your life, it is natural to concentrate on earlier deeds that were left undone rather than those that were carried out.

“Most people had not fulfilled even half of their aspirations and had to die knowing it was because of choices they had made or not made,” Ware explained.

Giving up personal aspirations for the benefit of others frequently results in great regret.

  1. “I’m sorry I worked so hard.”

This is a frequent regret shared by most people who lament not spending enough time with their families owing to demanding job schedules. This was true for practically every male patient Ware spoke with.

Getting caught up in the rat race and overworking oneself to obtain name, celebrity, success, and money at the expense of avoiding family excursions and personal responsibilities typically results in disillusionment and tremendous regret that we discover too lateā€¦

  1. “I wish I had the courage to say how I feel.”

Many people suppressed their emotions in order to maintain harmony with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never realized their own potential. Many became unwell as a result of the hate and resentment they carried.

We have no influence over how people react. However, while people may respond negatively at first when you modify your behavior by speaking honestly, it ultimately elevates the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that, or it removes the toxic relationship from your life. You win either way.

  1. “I Regret Not Keeping in Touch With My Friends”

There were many deep regrets about not devoting enough time and effort to friendships. “Often they would not completely grasp the full benefits of friends until their final weeks,” Ware writes, “and it was not always easy to seek them down.”

Determine who is most important to you in life and ensure you have them by your side.

  1. “I Wish I Had Permitted Myself to Be Happier”

Happiness is a choice, not a result of circumstances. It is critical that we make decisions based on our happiness rather than our worries.

“Fear of change kept them pretending to others and to themselves that they were satisfied, but deep down, they yearned to laugh genuinely,” Ware said.

Fear is the one thing that prevents us from enjoying happiness and fully appreciating life. Leave no room for regret in your final days. Make your decisions and be as happy as you want to be.