In her latest book, **”Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier”**, Oprah Winfrey and co-author Arthur C. Brooks delve into the power of adjusting our mindset to live a more purposeful, satisfying, and joyful life. Renowned for her achievements, Oprah reveals in an exclusive interview that she has never experienced imposter syndrome, a feeling of self-doubt that plagues many individuals. While the fear of not deserving success lingers for some, Oprah’s upbringing and her father’s influence shielded her from such insecurities.

Growing up, Oprah’s parents played a significant role in shaping her character. She recalls her father’s response to her successes, such as winning public speaking competitions and achieving national recognition. While other families celebrated, her father’s words were simple yet impactful, “Get your coat.” This taught Oprah to keep a balanced perspective, not getting carried away by high highs or sinking into low lows.

Oprah further elaborates that her upbringing allows her to appreciate and embrace a life well-earned. Reflecting on her ancestors, from her great-grandfather who was once a slave to her own journey of acquiring and owning land, Oprah recognizes the powerful legacy that led her to where she stands today. With a deep sense of pride, Oprah acknowledges that her success was not handed to her on a silver platter. She forged her path and built her empire through hard work, tenacity, and determination.

Interestingly, Oprah reveals that part of her success can be attributed to other people’s low expectations of her. When she acquired ownership and substantial shares of **The Oprah Winfrey Show**, those around her didn’t foresee its incredible success. If they had known, they would have never agreed to the terms. This highlights how defying expectations and embracing one’s unique journey can lead to unimaginable achievements.

In conclusion, Oprah Winfrey’s story is an inspiring testament to the power of resilience, gratitude, and self-belief. Her ability to sidestep imposter syndrome and embrace her achievements serves as a valuable lesson for those who may grapple with their own doubts and insecurities. Oprah’s life journey reminds us that our past, no matter how challenging, does not define our future. With determination and a strong sense of purpose, we can build the lives we truly desire.