Al Pacino, the legendary actor, recently surprised his fans by announcing the birth of his fourth child. However, now it seems that his girlfriend, Noor Alfallah, is seeking to become the primary legal guardian of their 3-month-old son, Roman.

People are curious about what sparked this sudden action. Let’s dig deeper and find out more about the situation.

The Birth of Roman and Legal Proceedings

Al Pacino and Noor Alfallah welcomed their son Roman in June of this year. For Pacino, Roman marks his fourth child, while for Alfallah, it is her first. Roman was born at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles on June 6.

Just six days after the birth, Alfallah and Pacino signed a voluntary declaration of parentage, affirming Pacino’s paternity of the child. However, Alfallah has now submitted this document to court as part of her custody filing.

According to reports, Alfallah is requesting full physical custody of Roman, with Pacino having “reasonable visitation” rights. This means that Roman would primarily live with Alfallah, but Pacino would still be able to spend time with his son.

Clarification from Pacino’s Publicist

Although a custody filing might imply relationship troubles, Pacino’s publicist, Stan Rosenfield, has clarified that Pacino and Alfallah have not broken up. He stated that they have successfully worked together and reached agreements regarding the upbringing of Roman.

Rosenfield also mentioned that the reasons behind Alfallah’s custody filing are best addressed by her. So, we can only speculate on what prompted her to take this step.

Pacino’s Thoughts on Fatherhood

In a rare comment on the birth of his son, Pacino expressed how special it was for him. He said, “It’s very special. It always has been. I’ve got many kids. But this is really special coming at this time.” Pacino has three adult children from previous relationships: Julie Pacino, Olivia Pacino, and Anton Pacino.

Looking Ahead

We hope that Pacino and Alfallah can reach a mutual understanding that is best for everyone involved. It’s a situation that requires careful consideration and communication.

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