Depending on how type-A you are will determine how much consideration you actually pay to what to dress on an aircraft.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have prepared your outfit far in advance and it will in some way go with your bags.

If you’re typical, you’ll most likely just put on something relaxed and comfortable, perhaps even a pair of shorts? So, if that describes you, perhaps you should reconsider?

Five additional things you should never do after you board an airline were revealed in a video released by a flight attendant who goes by the TikTok handle @tommycimato.

Some of these may surprise you, especially the “no shorts” regulation, while others you may already be aware of.

Shorts are the one item you should stay away from, according to Cimato.

Avoid wearing shorts when traveling by airline, he said. If you wear pants, you’ll have less germs because, like the window, you never know how clean they’ll be.

Therefore, wearing jeans can be a better option if you don’t want your exposed skin to spread infections.

He continued, reeling off a list of more flying advice: “Never touch the flush button with bare hands. Use a tissue or napkin that is already in the restroom when flushing instead of the extremely unhygienic and disgusting alternative.

“Remember to drink water. Remain hydrated. Keep in mind that you should consume approximately 16 ounces for each flight you take.

“Avoid dozing off or resting your head against the window. You weren’t the only one who did it, and you have no idea how many adults or kids have wiped their palms or other objects all over the window.

If you feel sick, don’t be afraid to tell a flight attendant. So please feel free to let us know if you need food, water, or an air sickness bag.

Don’t touch anything while you’re on a flight because it’s probably just dirty, is the story’s primary moral.

But I suppose we were all aware of that previously.

But while we’re talking about flying, a different flight attendant offered their best advice for enjoying yourself while flying.

Kat Kamalani (@katkamalani on TikTok) frequently posts videos describing what it’s like to work as a flight attendant, including everything from travel faux pas to the specialized terminology employed by crew members.

One item, according to Kamalani, will ensure that you are treated nicely by the cabin crew, as she said in a post with the title, “Your flight will change DRAMATICALLY.”

In the video, Kamalani promised viewers that if they did just one little act while flying, the flight attendants would treat them like royalty.

“Flight attendant work is demanding. You frequently work in other time zones, get up at odd hours, and deal with irate clients.

“Therefore, I swear, this is all you have to do the next time you fly if you want special treatment from the flight attendants.”

Kamalani advised individuals to buy staff a $5 (£3.60) Starbucks gift card or a tasty treat as a small sign of appreciation since it will go a long way.

$5 Starbucks gift cards, she explained, “mean the world to us when a consumer offers this to us.

Furthermore, if you don’t have gift cards, you may simply buy candy bars, lip balm, or anything else and offer it to the flight attendants.

“The entire crew will make sure you are taken care of. We will know where you are sitting, we will know how you look.”