Being a homeless cat on the streets is not an easy life. Every meal is a triumph, and each day that one is still alive is a blessing. Even more of a struggle was experienced by one cat in Korea. Everyone was perplexed when she declined daily free meals from volunteers. What makes this cat turn down a free meal? An even bigger enigma was then revealed when it was discovered that this feral cat will only consume food that had been bagged. The explanation for this kitten’s strange behavior was discovered, and what followed was a touching story of survival that not even Hollywood could have imagined.

The task of improving the lives of animals can be heartbreaking. That was the case for one anonymous Korean woman who made it her mission to feed every stray cat in her area. She had access to food as a volunteer at a nearby shelter, so she made the decision to make the most of it.

This volunteer gave food in bowls to any homeless cats who would accept her offer for five years. Most of the cats accepted the offered food with gusto. However, one cat stood out from the others for a bizarre reason.

The cat, Dongsuk, would arrive every day with the other cats to eat, but he would never take any. The feline would turn away instead, deciding to find another way to survive.

Even so, Dongsuk consistently showed up, demonstrating that she had nothing against receiving a free dinner. She simply didn’t enjoy the meal that was being served to her. Or, as the volunteer started to consider, perhaps it had to do with how the food had been served in the first place. Do you know why Dongsuk won’t eat from bowls?

When the Vounteer noticed that Dongsuk was refusing to eat, her first thought was to change the cat’s diet. Cats are notoriously fussy eaters; when given food that they don’t like, they will even turn it down.

The volunteer experimented with various brands of dry food to see if Dongsuk was this kind of cat. Dongsuk turned down every type and brand. She next tried canned wet food. Dongsuk persisted in his stubbornness, compelling the volunteer to start over.

The volunteer started to think outside the box in a desperate attempt to discover the puzzle of why Dongsuk wouldn’t eat. As we previously stated, Dongsuk wouldn’t attend the daily feedings if she didn’t want the food. So that Dongsuk wouldn’t go hungry, it was up to her new buddy to figure out how to feed the girl.

The volunteer once bagged Dongsuk’s food, supposing that the cat might simply be a reluctant eater. It was successful! Grabbing the food bag, Dongsuk fled in an evasive manner.

The volunteer was overjoyed that Dongsuk was at last eating. She would make sure a specific bag of cat food was available for the animals each day. And each day when Dongsuk came to see them, he would take the bag of food and go.

But this strange behavior further piqued the volunteer’s interest in Dongsuk’s intended destination for her food bag. She had found the cat’s preference for food in a bag unusual, so she needed to know why.

Dongsuk continued to wait and started to meow. The group recognized she was holding something up at this time. They learned a what in a short amount of time. A tiny ginger kitten suddenly materialized and rushed right up to Dongsuk, who set the food bag down.

Dongsuk had children! She took careful to take care of her little cat as well as herself every day. She would only bring food that was bagged, for this reason. The only way she could guarantee her infant would eat was by doing this.

The volunteer and her companions persisted in observing the cat mother’s noble deeds. Dongsuk set the food bag down and then stepped back, allowing her daughter to eat first. The kitty tore open the package and ate till it was satisfied.

Dongsuk finally started to enjoy her supper once her daughter was content. The team was moved to tears as they witnessed this true account of bravery and survival take place in front of their very eyes. The narrative didn’t end there, of course.

The volunteer and her colleagues realized they needed to take action after seeing the lengths Dongsuk was willing to go to ensure her daughter was fed. They started by exploring around the area to see if anyone was familiar with Dongsuk and had been seeking for their lost cat.

The feral cat was confirmed to be alone and to have been alone for a very long time because no one claimed ownership of her. Sadly, there were some residents in the area who knew about Dongsuk, and they had a terrible tale to tell.