We all have times when we don’t feel good in our own skin and don’t trust ourselves. When we wish to modify something, most of the time it is our physical appearance.

Some people, for example, wish to reduce weight, while others want to change their appearance or their hairstyle. We certainly constantly desire to better or modify something about ourselves, yet these adjustments can be tough to implement at times.

Consider the instance of Lizzie Velásquez, who is affected by a rare hereditary condition that changes her looks. Lizzie is unable to gain weight, which can have an emotional and psychological impact on you.

However, we must first learn to accept ourselves as we are, and if we truly want or need a change, we must go gently and gradually in order to get the desired result in a healthy and sustainable manner. Lizzie Velásquez made the decision to improve her life.

Consider how we were when we were 16 years old. This age can be really difficult because it is a time of many changes and we are very motivated. At 16, we care about what others think, and it has an immediate impact on us.

Lizzie was called “The Ugliest Woman in the World” when she was 16, and there was a video of Lizzie calling her that, and everyone had negative opinions about her. Regardless of our ages, this event would be traumatic for each of them.

This was Lizzie Velásquez’s everyday reality, yet she managed to ignore the words of people around her and choose her own path in life.
Lizzie Velásquez was born on March 13, 1989, in Austin, Texas, weighing barely 2 pounds and 11 ounces.

Lizzie has always been a child far too young for her age, but she is oblivious to the fact that something is wrong with her body because she was simply a youngster having fun and couldn’t comprehend how many people laughed at her. However, at the age of six, she began to notice that something was amiss because everyone was staring and laughing at her.

Lizzie didn’t tell her family about what was going on at school at first since the other kids mocked her and no one wanted to spend time with her, so she was always alone and sad. However, he eventually concluded that he needed to tell his parents how he felt.

Her parents were saddened to learn what was going on in their little girl’s life, but they assured her that there was nothing wrong with her, simply that she was a small girl physically younger than the other children, but she was smart and capable of doing whatever he desired.

Still, why does Lizzie have that appearance?

Lizzie was born with Marfan syndrome and lipodystrophy, two unusual diseases. Her unique genetic disorders damage her heart, eyes, and bones, and she is unable to acquire weight due to a problem with fat distribution in her body. Lizzie is likewise growing older faster than her peers.

TedTalk that is inspirational

Lizzie couldn’t understand that millions of people could evaluate a 16-year-old girl suffering from a severe disease based just on her outward appearance.
Lizzie, fortunately, is and has always been a strong woman, which is why she chose to show everyone that she can accomplish what she wants out of life by not allowing anyone to impact her emotionally.

Lizzie graduated with honors from Texas State University when she was 23 years old.

She was selected to give a TED Talk in Austin in 2003, and the video went viral. Lizzie recalled how, since kindergarten, everyone had teased her and how she used to believe that only her physical looks defined her. She stated that after seeing the video about herself, she realized that she did not have to allow some bad and unknown people define her, but instead had to pursue her own aspirations. Despite everything, Lizzie managed to demonstrate her strength to everyone.

Unfortunately, there are still some who mock her. On TikTok, for example, it became a terrible trend among parents to make a FaceTime call announcing that Lizzie would be the child’s next teacher. This pattern should either frighten or make pupils chuckle at their new teacher.

Lizzie was upset again, but she decided to speak up and say that every parent should teach their child to respect people and not judge them based on their physical appearance since you never know how the person next to you is feeling or what a difficult life he or she has.