People have long been fascinated by mothers who give birth to multiple babies at the same time. This is undeniably fantastic, which is why it piques people’s interest. Giving birth to more than one kid is tough.

In the summer of 2021, Gosiame Thamara Sithole’s story became viral. Her story astounded people all across the world.

However, her story was so unbelievable that the authorities decided to investigate it to see whether it was true. It does not appear to be accurate, and this has sparked significant debate around the world.

Pretoria News reported in June 2021 that a 37-year-old woman called Gosiame Thamara Sithole had given birth to ten infants at South Africa’s Steve Biko Academic Hospital. Isn’t this stunning news? It was impossible for this information not to spread.

Gosiame and her spouse, Teboho, come from a poor household and were surprised to learn that they had ten children. They were aware that they would have eight children.

The story was covered by websites and magazines all around the world. People were startled to learn that a mother gave birth to ten children. You’ve probably never heard of such a thing, especially considering this birth would have been the first in the world according to the book of records.

The ‘Tembisa 10’ were Gosiame’s children. Because Pretoria News provided all the facts, the news looked very authentic and entertaining to read. Josiah appears to have given birth to 7 sons and 3 girls through caesarean section. Furthermore, the pregnancy occurred naturally, without the use of reproductive drugs.

Gosiame claimed in June 2021 that she was astonished by her pregnancy and that it was tough for her, that she was terrified, and that she couldn’t wait to see her babies. She desired to be able to give birth to all of her children in a healthy manner.

Other people were so moved by the story that they rallied and donated $70,000 to support the parents in the coming months because raising ten children is both challenging and expensive.

Nonetheless, the story appeared fantastic and unreal.

The Gauteng Provincial Government has decided to investigate the story, and it appears that the babies did not exist. They were unable to uncover any information at any hospital.

They added that “none of the province’s hospitals, public or private, had any records of such births at their facilities.” After learning these data, the authorities decided to continue the investigation and discovered that the woman was not even pregnant. Gosiame was rushed to the hospital, where physicians discovered she had not recently been pregnant. After it was determined that the woman was not pregnant at all and that the story was a fabrication, the following questions were raised by everyone.

Why did they tell lies? Why would someone make up such a story? Who did this tale help?’

Although it appeared that the story was coming to an end, something unexpected happened.

The journalist who broke the tale of this miracle birth published a fresh article in which he accused the government of wanting to cover up the story and not wanting the world to know about it. According to the journalist, instead of celebrating this birth, the authorities opted to conceal it and say that it never occurred.

Of course, the authorities sued the journalist and Pretoria News for fraudulent and serious defamation of the authorities and hospitals who claimed that this birth did not occur.

Piet Rampedi, a journalist, later said that he made mistakes and should not have published this report. “Even if I stand by the fact that Sithole was pregnant, some aspects of the tale should have been handled differently,” Piet said. Could I have handled the situation better? Definitely! Particularly the verification process. To be honest, I never considered the decuplets article to be an inquiry. I employed no investigative instrument or checklist “.

Piet and Gosiame became friends after attending the same church and meeting in December 2020. Piet met with Gosiame and learned that she was expecting eight children. Piet believed it since the pregnant woman’s tummy was so large in the picture. Piet was then told by Gosiame that she had given birth to ten children, and he believed her and reported the news despite having done no more study.

He believed the Sitholes had no reason to lie to him, and he trusted them. He assumed that he would not have to investigate, despite the fact that each story was investigated before publication.

Piet had no idea that his article would go viral all across the world.

This episode demonstrates that we do not always have to believe what we read and see on social media or in other magazines/newspapers, and that we must filter all information received. Authorities agreed to provide Gosiame with any medical assistance she may require.