Street dogs are highly common in India, which can occasionally cause severe problems.

Enjoy the story of these two adorable puppies who were separated from their mother and fell into a deep pit.

Because the pit was too deep, their mother was unable to save them.

They weren’t alone in the hole, so it wasn’t their only problem.

They just happened to be in the same area as a large, dangerous king-cobra.

Sometimes things happen that you would expect to see only in movies.

That is exactly what I believe these Indian rescuers went through on this specific day.

The king cobra is so deadly that it can kill an elephant; these babies would have died if it had only one bite.

Worse, there was always the possibility that they would become stuck because the pit that these poor puppies had fallen into was quite muddy.

Fortunately, pups are not among the things that cobras frequently consume, but people were anxious for their safety.

The snake, on the other hand, did not appear to want to harm the puppies.

In truth, the cobra was watching them to make sure they didn’t cross to the other, hazardous side of the well.

The puppies and snake stayed in the same spot in the well for 48 hours.

When the officials arrived, it was easier than expected for them to save the puppies. The cobra moved politely, allowing the rescue team to effortlessly pick up the babies.

Animals of all species and sizes occasionally demonstrate a surprising ability to aid and defend one another, which humans could benefit from learning.