Poor, balding, and all by oneself.

For months, a “werewolf” had been lurking by the roadside. His scales were brittle and sharp, and his tail was broken and pointed. What little black fur he had remained had sprang up on its own at the nape of his neck and was in disarray.

The dog appeared to have gone weeks without eating; he was plainly in poor health and couldn’t move much.
Apart for the fact that he had been sighted in an orchard near Madera Ranchos, California, no one knew anything else about the mystery creature.

No one dared to approach the animal because of its scary appearance.
Because no one could identify the unfortunate canine, he was dubbed “Werewolf.” They were too afraid to find out for themselves.

Finally, near the end of the month, a driver noticed him and posted a few things about him on Facebook.
The lady waited by the dog until help arrived. Megan Bowe, another animal hero, arrived not long after.

“When I saw how awful off he was, I was about ready to cry,” Megan Bowe, proprietor of Bowe’s Adoptable Rescued Pup, tells The Dodo. “He was on his final legs.” He was miserable and couldn’t even stand.”
Megan had encountered a “werewolf” who was actually a German shepherd mix in poor health.

It was her idea to bestow the title “King” on him. She then rushed him to the nearest emergency animal hospital in her car.

King seemed relieved to have help and immediately followed Megan.

King was diagnosed with many ailments and wounds by the veterinarian. His scabies, shattered pelvis, and broken tail were the most serious of his injuries.

Despite his advanced appearance, King was only a year old.

“My vet believes he was hit by a car, which would explain why his tail was so messed up,” Megan Bowe explains. “That damage happened months ago, because it had already begun to heal incorrectly by the time I received him.” And because of his shattered pelvis, he couldn’t go very far to seek for food on his own, so he was quite emaciated and dehydrated.”

Megan kept King in the garage to keep his infectious illnesses from spreading to the other animals she cared for.

She started King on a low-calorie diet and gradually increased it so he could restore his strength and weight properly.
King needed all the assistance he could get before having surgery on his pelvis and tail.

Despite his physical limitations and injuries, it was clear that he was grateful.
“He’s a really sweet dog,” Megan says.

As Megan sits, King appears to want to hug her, resting his head on her.
“He has remained calm and peaceful throughout,” Megan says.
After about a month of medication, King’s condition improved. They were able to heal his mange, and he was back to his former self.

His pelvis and tail were surgically restored a few weeks ago when he had recovered sufficiently.

Nevertheless, all procedures went off without a hitch.

The veterinarian suggested that King take daily walks to help his wounded leg heal.

King will return to the doctor before the end of the month to have his sutures removed and to check on his progress. Once he has recovered from the first two treatments, he may require surgery on his second hip.

King has come a great way in the last few months, and his efforts appear to have made things much better than they were before.

But, there is a big difference between King and the feared “werewolf” of old.

Megan thinks that King will be back to normal in a few months. After that, he’ll be open to adoption.

While he waits, King is making the most of his new existence, complete with doggy ice cream, walks, and car trips with the windows down.

“He’s happier than he’s ever been,” Megan says.

She can’t understand why someone would abandon him for dead by the side of the road, frail and thin.

“It’s difficult to believe that all those automobiles passed him by without stopping. Because he looked so awful, no one wanted to bring him home or help him… “But it only took one person,” Megan explains.

In some instances, going the additional mile can mean the difference between being a coward and a hero.

Thank you, Megan, and all the other animal-rights advocates who never turn a blind eye to brutality or neglect. King can now live the happy, healthy life that all dogs deserve.