Let’s face it: the world is bizarre in every way imaginable. It’s even strange in ways we weren’t expecting. Things always surprise us, and we think, “Wow, it can’t get any wilder than this,” but it always does. These are some unexpected facts you may not be aware of; even if you are, they are still rather astonishing!

1.Franklin D. Roosevelt commissioned a covert anti-gay investigation in the Navy.

In order to grow professionally, Franklin D. Roosevelt established what he called a purification program while serving as Assistant Secretary of the Navy. His goal? To rid the Newport Navy of LGBTQ+ people – or inverts, as non-heterosexual people were referred to back then. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer denied him this opportunity, but he went ahead nonetheless.

Undercover agents were tasked with exposing these people and were urged to do so in any way they could. Those who disobeyed his orders were stripped of their rank and convicted, while his pawns were protected. This became known as the Newport Sex Scandal of 1919.

2.One hugely astonishing truth is that there are more ways to arrange a deck of cards than there are atoms on the planet!

This unexpected truth will catch you off guard. It may appear impossible, yet it is actually true! Each deck has 52 cards. The number of possible arrangements is known as 52 factorial or “52!” This translates to 52 × 51 x 50 x…. x 1. Hence the number of ways a card deck can be arranged is an integer with 68 digits. In comparison, the estimated number of atoms on Earth is a number of 51 digits. This means that any shuffle you hold could be one-of-a-kind.

3.The only Japanese passenger aboard the Titanic was made to feel ashamed for surviving the ship’s disaster.

Masabumi Hosono, a Japanese Transportation Ministry employee, was studying railway operations in Russia and England. He boarded the “dream ship” in Southampton. When the ship fell to its freezing grave, an officer declared that there were two more passengers available, and he happened to be in the right location at the right moment.

He was first lauded for surviving the catastrophe and was enthusiastically welcomed back, becoming a celebrity in his area. Masabumi was eventually exposed as a stowaway and lost his job as a result. He was finally hired again, but his career had already peaked. The disgrace followed him till his death in 1939 and continues to haunt his remaining family.

4.o avoid being eaten by a predator, marsupials would sacrifice their offspring.

Although altruism is ubiquitous in the animal realm, this shocking statistic may catch you off guard. Animals have frequently sacrificed themselves for the sake of herd protection. This is common in aged or unwell animals. Marsupials, on the other hand, appear to be more self-centered. When threatened by predators, wallabies and kangaroos have been known to dump their joeys from their pouches. Isn’t that ruthless?

5.The distance between London and Moscow is shorter than the distance between Sydney and Perth.

At first glance, Moscow and London appear to be on opposite sides of the globe, separated by continents. There are 1,795.6 miles between London and Moscow. Flight time is around 3 hours and 50 minutes. That’s a remarkably tiny distance, considering how far off they appear visually.

Sydney and Perth aren’t particularly close, but did you realize the distance between them is a massive 2,444.5 miles?! The same flight would take 5 hours to accomplish, putting them much further apart than anyone could have imagined! Is it possible that our eyes are deceiving us?