A woman may give you her heart and her body, but there are some things she will never reveal to the man she is in a relationship with. People store these secrets in the vault for a variety of reasons, most notably to spare your feelings or because they are too terrified to reveal what is truly on their thoughts. Here are the top eight secrets that women keep from the males in their life.

1.They consider sx (with you!) a lot Women desire sx significantly more than we have been led to believe. They may be too shy to express their most sensual ideas and vivid desires with you at times.

  1. They continue to check in on their ex-partners.
    Women frequently use social networking sites to keep up with what their ex-partners are up to. They will never be completely removed from our lives or thinking as long as we have technology. This does not imply that they still adore them; they are simply interested and hope they perish in eternal loneliness.
  2. Their perspectives on your family
    Even if a woman dislikes her partner’s family, she will never express her feelings because she does not want to damage their relationship or harm her loved one’s feelings. The majority of women will simply avoid being near them whenever possible.
  3. They save souvenirs from previous relationships.
    Most ladies have moved on from that douche bag who cheated… Nonetheless, they are keeping the first love letter they received when they were 16 for recollections of their youth.
  4. People occasionally invent reasons to avoid s*x.
    Women are continually coming up with new strategies to avoid having to partake in ultimate pleasure between the sheets. Don’t let it bruise your pride. Yeah, they adore you and want to have fun with you, but not every time you are ready.
  5. They occasionally stage orgasms.
    Indeed, women do fake orgasms and have been doing so for a long time! A woman is always looking for ways to please her guy, and faking an orgasm can put a grin on his face while also boosting his ego.
  6. They are also concerned about commitment.
    Commitment-phobia is more commonly associated with men; yet, most women are likewise afraid of giving their lives to someone in a committed relationship.
  7. They don’t want to know about your previous relationships.

Intimate facts about your ex-partners are the last thing a woman wants to hear.