This page features 18 different maps of America. Each map provides a unique view on the United States, showcasing various elements such as population density, favored slang phrases, weather patterns, and more. Whether you’re a history geek, a geography buff, or simply inquisitive about the country, these maps will provide you with something amusing and interesting. Well, without further ado, let’s get started on the maps!

1.Maps of decommissioned railways
Modern technology has resulted in larger and faster trains. The old railways are no longer useful because the trains are incompatible, therefore they remain idle and unutilized. This lays out all the forgotten railways.

2.Illusions maps
This map depicts the population of America’s major regions. The orange area on the map’s left and right sides is long and thin. Yet, the population of the seemingly much bigger red portion is the same. This is slightly misleading, but there you have it.

3.Light pollution maps
On this map, we can observe how bad light pollution is around the coasts. Yet, light pollution plagues the entire right-hand half of America, particularly along the shore. Yet, the left side, particularly inland, is less light polluted.

4.Maps with High GDP
On this map, we can see the many places with a high GDP. Namely, a GDP of more than $100 billion. If you’re unfamiliar with GDP, it “measures the monetary value of final products and services—that is, those purchased by the final user,” according to

5.Population density maps
This is an intriguing perspective on population density. However, this map has been somewhat modified. In other words, each state has been adequately scaled based on population density.