Your eyes provide a unique glimpse into your health. Yahoo Health has compiled a list of 14 things your eyes can tell you about your complete body.
Here are a few examples:
If it doesn’t go away after three months or keeps repeating in the same place, it could be a rare cancer called sebaceous gland carcinoma.

This is due to “computer vision syndrome” (CVS). The lack of contrast on a computer screen, as well as the extra labor necessary in focusing on pixels, contributes to eyestrain.
This blurred vision is caused by a migraine aura. A headache may or may not accompany it.
This is referred to as jaundice. It can arise in infants with immature liver function or in adults with liver, gallbladder, or bile duct issues.
The most prevalent cause of bulging eyes is hyperthyroidism, or thyroid gland overactivity.
These are the visual symptoms of a stroke.
Diabetics are more likely to develop many eye disorders, the most prevalent of which is diabetic retinopathy, in which diabetes affects the circulatory system of the eye. It is the main cause of blindness in American adults.
Your eyesight is one of your most valuable senses, yet it’s easy to take it for granted until it begins to degrade. Regrettably, one of the major causes of blindness in American adults is a diabetic complication. When you consider that approximately one in every four Americans is either pre-diabetic or diabetic, this is concerning.
The increased usage of computers and video display terminals (VDTs) at home and work has also contributed to a rise in visual disorders caused by eye strain.
No, it isn’t.
But, if we are not cautious, our modern lifestyles can contribute to bad vision. Fortunately, there are numerous steps you may do to promote your eye health. According to research, persons over the age of 60 may require even more assistance in the form of carefully chosen nutritional supplements. You may also require further visual assistance if:
You are a smoker.
You have diabetes.
You spend a significant amount of time looking at a computer.
Nutritional assistance is provided below. I’ll go over some preventative measures, but first, can your eyes truly tell you anything about your general health?
Iridology: Are Your Eyes a Reflection of Your Health?
By implying possible underlying health issues According to the Yahoo Health article, there are some interesting links between your eyes and your general health. Iridology, also known as iridodiagnosis, is a practice employed by some alternative health practitioners that studies the iris of your eye.

This hypothesis dates back to the mid-17th century, although it has yet to be accepted by mainstream medicine. In reality, the vast majority of medical professionals dismiss the notion.
The main assumption behind this technique is that certain properties of your iris, such as patterns and colors, might convey information about your systemic health in specific zones of your iris. This is accomplished by carefully inspecting your iris and matching it to iris charts. An iridologist can use these charts to identify systems and organs in your body that are inflammatory, overactive, or underactive. Still, this information may be useful in some situations.
If you decide to give it a shot, I recommend finding an iridologist who is also a professional medical practitioner, because iridology practitioners in the United States and Canada are not legally required to be licensed or certified.
Natural, Common-Sense Techniques for Maintaining Healthy Vision
Before we get into particular nutritional variables that directly assist your eyes, it’s necessary to address some of the lifestyle principles that can effect your vision. Natural, common-sense strategies for preserving your vision as you age include:
Stop smoking. Smoking increases free radical production throughout your body, and the risk of decreased vision puts you at risk for subpar health in a variety of ways.
Take good care of your cardiovascular system. High blood pressure can damage the tiny blood vessels on your retina by obstructing free blood flow. One of the most important methods to maintain healthy blood pressure is to avoid sugar. According to Dr. Richard Johnson, chief of the division of kidney disease and hypertension at the University of Colorado, consuming 74 grams or more of fructose each day (equivalent to 2.5 sugary beverages) raises your risk of having blood pressure levels of 160/100 mmHg by 77 percent.
Get your blood sugar levels back to normal. Excess sugar in your blood can draw fluid from your eye’s lens, impairing your ability to concentrate. It can also cause damage to the blood vessels in your retina, restricting blood flow.
Consume plenty of fresh dark green leafy veggies, particularly kale. According to studies, a diet high in darkleafy greens benefits eye health. And that individuals who consumed the most carotenoid-rich veggies, particularly those high in lutein and zeaxanthin, had better vision health.
Consume enough of omega-3 fats. A study published in the August 2001 issue of Archives of Ophthalmology discovered that taking omega-3 fatty acids was protective of your healthy vision. Sadly, due to extensive contamination and fish aquaculture, fish is no longer an excellent source of omega-3 fats unless its purity can be verified. Krill oil, which also includes astaxanthin, is my preferred substitute. This powerful antioxidant also has unique ocular benefits, which I’ll go into below.
Trans fats should be avoided. A diet heavy in trans fat appears to lead to macular degeneration by interacting with omega-3 fats in your body. Trans fat can be present in a variety of processed meals and baked products, including margarine, shortening, fried foods such as French fries, fried chicken, and doughnuts, cookies, pastries, and crackers. Hence, if you want to keep your eyes healthy, avoid trans fats like the plague.
Aspartame should be avoided. One of the many acute symptoms of aspartame poisoning is vision difficulties.
Antioxidants: Your Best Friends for Healthy Vision
An antioxidant compound’s duty is to destroy hazardous free radicals in your body, especially your eyes. Among the antioxidants that have been demonstrated to be very beneficial to your eyes are:
Lutein \sZeaxanthin
Anthocyanins found in black currants
Lutein Aids in the Protection of Your Central Vision
The first two, lutein and zeaxanthin, are found in high concentrations in the macula lutea and are thought to serve two fundamental functions:
Absorbing surplus photon energy and quenching free radicals before they harm lipid membranes
The highest concentration of lutein in your eyes is in your macula, the tiny core region of your retina responsible for straight-ahead and detailed vision. Lutein, in particular, is contained in the macular pigment and is believed to help protect your central vision.
Green leafy vegetables, as well as yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, contain it. Lutein is a carotenoid that occurs naturally.
Food Lutein Content
Although zeaxanthin and lutein are beneficial to your eyes, science is now demonstrating that astaxanthin is the Best carotenoid for eye health and the prevention of blindness.
It is a significantly stronger antioxidant than both lutein and zeaxanthin and has been shown to protect against a variety of eye-related disorders, including:
Macular degeneration as we age (ARMD)
Diabetes-related retinopathy
Occlusion of the retinal artery
Occlusion of the vena cava
Cystoid macular edema is a type of macular edema.
Inflammatory eye illnesses (retinitis, iritis, keratitis, and scleritis) As you can see, this list contains three of the most common causes of blindness in the United States: macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy, making this antioxidant even more vital.
As previously said, krill oil is an excellent source of both beneficial omega-3 fat and astaxanthin, but there are also astaxanthin supplements on the market that are specifically made to support good eye health.
If you want to try astaxanthin, I recommend starting with 2 to 4 milligrams per day. Consider this if you are taking a krill oil supplement; different krill products include varying amounts of astaxanthin, so read the label. Our krill product contains 0.5 milligrams each day.
Your eyes are now exposed to significantly higher amounts of oxidation than our forefathers were. Not only are there more contaminants in today’s environment, but the depletion of our ozone layer is causing more intense sunlight than ever before, directly exposing your eyes and skin to more free radicals.
Furthermore, as you age, your body loses some of its ability to produce the high levels of antioxidants required to counteract the everyday assault on your tissues and organs due to pollution, contaminants in food and water, household chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs, and high levels of stress.