Did you know that twins occur in only about 33 out of 1,000 births? And among twins, identical siblings are even rarer, with just a few sets born in every thousand births. Meet Savannah Combs, a proud mother who was overjoyed when she discovered she was expecting twins. However, there was a twist – both of her children had Down Syndrome. Despite the challenges ahead, Savannah’s love for her new family remained unwavering.

Savannah and her husband, Justin Ackerman, were devastated when they learned that their precious children, Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman, might not live long. But Savannah’s pride in her daughters was unshakeable, despite the criticism they knew they would face from some individuals.

In an interview with News4, Savannah affectionately referred to her twins as “her tiny diamonds.” She shared her postpartum journey on TikTok, with videos capturing the ups and downs of raising her twins. What made their story even more significant was that doctors had advised Savannah to consider terminating the pregnancy due to the Down Syndrome diagnosis.

Savannah treasured each prenatal appointment as an opportunity to bond with her babies and savor every moment before their birth. Her spouse was away at boot camp during most of her pregnancy, leaving her to navigate the challenges alone. But Savannah’s determination and love for her unborn children prevailed.

At 29 weeks pregnant, Savannah went to the hospital and gave birth to two beautiful twin daughters. However, because they were born two months premature, they had to spend several weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) before they could go home safely.

These extraordinary twins are known as “mono di twins” because they have separate amniotic sacs but share the same placenta, making them identical. What makes their situation even more unlikely is that both of them have Down Syndrome, an extremely rare occurrence that happens in just one out of every two million births.

Savannah is determined to show the world that her children, despite their unique circumstances, are no different from any other child. She firmly believes that they will thrive because they have emotions, beating hearts, and the ability to communicate.

Savannah diligently shares updates on TikTok, allowing fans to witness each milestone her daughters achieve and follow their remarkable progress. Her mission is to inspire children everywhere and remind them that with determination and a positive mindset, anything is possible.

As a young mother, Savannah has had to face unkind comments from people on social media regarding her twin daughters’ disabilities. One person even suggested that they should have been given up for adoption. Yet, Savannah responded gracefully and wisely, emphasizing that these precious children were meant to be hers and her spouse’s, who would unconditionally accept and cherish them. Her post serves as a powerful reminder that compassion and love triumph over anything else.

Let’s share this heartwarming story in honor of Savannah and her beautiful daughters, celebrating their resilience and inspiring others on Facebook!