The father was distraught when his daughter told him goodbye

A bedtime scene seemed quite ordinary as a father tucked his young daughter, just three years old, into bed. It was their routine – a soothing story followed by heartfelt prayers.

This particular night, as they wrapped up, the little girl ended her prayers in an unexpected way: “God bless Mommy, God bless Daddy, God bless Grandma, and goodbye Grandpa.”

Curious, her father asked, “Why did you say goodbye, Grandpa?” The innocent child replied, “I don’t know, daddy, it just seemed like the thing to do.”

The next day, tragically, her grandfather passed away.

The father, naturally perplexed, wrote it off as a strange coincidence. Life went on, and months down the line, they found themselves in a similar bedtime ritual. T

he little girl prayed aloud again, “God bless Mommy, God bless Daddy, and goodbye Grandma.”

As eerie as it might sound, her grandmother passed away the following day. The father started to wonder if his daughter was somehow communicating with the other side.

Several weeks rolled by, and as the girl was tucked into bed, her father was taken aback when she concluded her prayers with, “God bless Mommy and goodbye Daddy.”

Understandably, the father was close to panic. A silent dread kept him from sleeping that night, so at the break of dawn, he hurried to his office, feeling like a bundle of nerves.

He avoided leaving the office all day, keeping an eye on the clock and jumping at sudden noises. His hope was to make it past midnight safely.

So, he stayed in his office, sipping coffee, nervously checking his watch, and listening to every little creak until finally the clock struck midnight. Relieved, he headed home after surviving the day he feared might be his last.

As he walked through the door, his wife remarked, “I’ve never seen you work such late hours. What’s going on?”

He sighed deeply and said, “You cannot imagine the kind of day I’ve had; it was absolutely the worst.” Then his wife responded, “You might think your day was bad, but wait until you hear what happened to me.”

She took a deep breath and continued, “This morning, in the middle of a meeting, my boss suddenly passed away!”