Some people dream, some don’t, or at least they don’t remember doing so. But do dreams actually mean anything? While some believe that dreams are messages from unseen forces, scientists argue that they are simply a result of brain activity while we sleep.

A Window into Our Subconscious

While we are asleep, our brains are anything but. Dreams can be a reflection of our day or our deepest fears. But what does it mean when we dream of a deceased person? According to Healthline, it may be related to the changes happening in our lives, such as getting a new job, moving, or meeting someone new. However, what’s more important than the dream itself is how it makes us feel.

Decoding the Dream

Rubin Naiman, a Ph.D. in psychology, believes that dream interpretation is about decoding the dream to expand our consciousness. He explains that dreams offer an expansion of our awareness, psychologically and emotionally. So, dreaming of someone who has passed away may be related to the changes in our lives and how those changes affect us emotionally.

Different Perspectives on Dreams

Contemporary neuroscientists have varying views on dreaming. Some believe that dreaming is meaningless, merely a result of brain maintenance during REM sleep. However, others, like the indigenous people of Australia, view dreaming as intrinsic to our spiritual existence. They see dreams as substantial and integral to our waking lives.

Interpreting Dreams of Deceased Loved Ones

Experts categorize dreams of deceased loved ones into four possibilities:

  • Working through grief: Dreaming of a deceased person may be the brain’s way of processing the pain of loss.
  • Unresolved guilt: If we didn’t make amends with the person before their passing, we may feel guilt, which could manifest in dream visits.
  • Reflection of behaviors: Seeing the behaviors of the deceased person, such as substance abuse, in ourselves may be a reason for these dreams.
  • Visitation from the deceased: Some experts believe that if we see the deceased person in a good condition in our dream, it may signify a visitation. If the dream leaves us feeling good, it may indicate a positive connection with the deceased.

The Meaningful Nature of Dreams

Regardless of our personal beliefs about dreams, they often provide us with deep insights and a sense of connection to the deceased. Dreams can give us a glimpse into our subconscious and our relationship with those who have passed away. So, the next time you have a dream about someone no longer alive, remember that it may have a deeper meaning.

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