Coffee is a bit of a controversial drink. Depending on how you look at its effects, it can be seen as either extremely harmful or incredibly beneficial.
Despite all the information you’ve come across, there are many positive effects of drinking coffee. For instance, it contains a lot of antioxidants, which reduce the risk of developing many types of diseases.

It also contains caffeine, a stimulant that can cause sleep disturbances for many people. In today’s discussion, we’ll highlight all the benefits and drawbacks of this popular beverage.
An average cup of Americano (240 ml) contains:
11% of the daily value of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), 6% of Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), 2% of Vitamin B1 (thiamine), and 2% of Vitamin B3 (niacin).
1% of the daily value of folic acid, 3% of manganese, 3% of potassium, 2% of magnesium, and 1% of phosphorus.
The takeaway is that coffee provides a lot of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that our bodies need. When you pair coffee with fresh fruits and vegetables, you can forget about vitamin deficiencies!
Caffeine Boosts Metabolism and Brain Function
The caffeine content in a cup of coffee can vary between 30-300 mg, but a typical cup contains about 90-100 mg.
Studies show that caffeine can enhance brain function and improve short-term memory. It also speeds up metabolism by 3-11% and boosts physical performance by 11-12%.
Coffee Lowers the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
These are the most common neurodegenerative diseases in the world. Research indicates that those who regularly drink coffee are 65% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s and 32-60% less likely to develop Parkinson’s. Simply put, consuming coffee decreases the likelihood of cognitive decline in old age.
Coffee Drinkers Are Less Likely to Develop Type 2 Diabetes
In the past decade, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased tenfold, affecting around 300 million people worldwide! Regular coffee drinkers are 23-67% less susceptible to this disease.
Coffee Drinkers Suffer Less from Liver Disease
People who consume too many sugary drinks or alcohol risk developing cirrhosis, a serious liver disease. Coffee drinkers are 84% less likely to suffer from this condition, and their risk of liver cancer is reduced by 40%.
Coffee Drinkers Have Lower Rates of Depression and Suicide
While it might not seem like a serious illness, depression can have some of the most devastating consequences. A study by Harvard University found that those who prefer coffee are 20% less likely to experience depression. Additionally, three other studies showed that these individuals were 53% less likely to commit suicide.
Coffee Can Cause Anxiety and Sleep Disorders
On the flip side, coffee can also have negative consequences. Excessive coffee consumption can lead to nervousness, anxiety, increased heart rate, and sleep disturbances. If you start noticing these effects, it might be wise to cut back on your coffee intake or stop it altogether if symptoms persist.
Caffeine Can Be Addictive
Caffeine is indeed a drug, that’s a fact. A clear sign of this is that your body starts craving larger amounts of coffee to get the same effects. Withdrawal from caffeine can cause headaches, fatigue, and irritability, symptoms which might last a few days.
Feel free to share your thoughts and comments about your own experiences with coffee. We’d love to hear from you!