Imagine the extraordinary story of young Akiane Kramarik, whose compelling painting, “Prince of Peace,” crafted when she was just eight years old, captured the world’s attention.
The story of this painting is as mesmerizing as the artwork itself, with its journey from being lost and found to being cherished today.
Now a mature 28-year-old, Akiane has grown into a notable author, a keen entrepreneur, and a compassionate philanthropist.
She often shares that her drive to create this masterpiece stemmed from a profound sense of “visionary inspiration,” which led her to depict Jesus as a “profound role model for humanity.”
The Jesus portrait, “Prince of Peace,” crafted with her precise artistic strokes, first captured the public’s imagination when she proudly showcased it on the Oprah Winfrey Show at just nine years old.
“You’re obviously gifted. Where does this come from?” Oprah asked, to which the confident young artist simply replied, “It comes from God.”

At the age of ten, during an interview, Akiane expressed the clarity with which she hears God’s voice, describing it as “quiet and beautiful.”
Her upbringing in small-town Idaho was without religious influence from her immediate family, who neither discussed God nor attended church. This made her spiritual insight all the more intriguing.
Akiane’s mother, Forelli Kramarik, recalls the unexpected spiritual awakening that accompanied her daughter’s artistic development.
“It wasn’t just art that was happening. Simultaneous with art was a spiritual awakening,” Forelli explained. Coming from an atheistic background herself, she was amazed at Akiane’s vivid dreams and discussions about God’s love and presence.
Akiane’s journey into painting “Prince of Peace” began with a dream. Initially, she considered expressing her visions through poetry but found them too intricate to capture in words, prompting her to turn to painting.
“I always think about Jesus and talk about Him,” she explained. In her quest for a model to embody Jesus, she prayed with her family, and soon after, a carpenter who resembled her vision of Jesus appeared at their doorstep.
Upon meeting this craftsman, Akiane knew he was the one to inspire her portrait of Jesus. “When I saw him, I felt like passing out,” she reflected on that fateful encounter.

Sadly, the painting was once stolen during transit to an exhibition, covered with sawdust upon its return, which Akiane painstakingly cleaned off. Despite her family’s best efforts, a clerical error impeded their initial plans for its public display.
“Prince of Peace” was eventually sold to a private collector. Although Akiane fought hard to reclaim it, she transferred her focus to creating other remarkable works, helping lift her family out of poverty and gaining widespread acclaim in the art world.

Throughout her journey, Akiane has traveled widely, teaching art and promoting peace across more than 30 countries. She continued to keep “Prince of Peace” alive in people’s minds by selling thousands of prints worldwide.
Then came a miraculous twist in 2019. A distinguished and esteemed family purchased “Prince of Peace” for a hefty sum, claiming stewardship over its future. They perceive it their duty to safeguard and share its powerful message globally.
Akiane finally reunited with her beloved painting almost two decades later, overwhelmed by emotions upon seeing it again. In a recent interview, she shared, “It’s still surreal to me… Love is so powerful. It will always show up on time to people who need it most.”
For those interested, “Akiane: The Early Years,” featuring this iconic masterpiece, “Prince of Peace,” is now showcased at the Belóved Gallery in Marble Falls, Texas.
The talent of Akiane Kramarik is undeniable, and her story resonates across beliefs. Her work challenges us to see beyond the canvas and consider the depth of inspiration behind each stroke. What’s your favorite piece by Akiane?