Patti Scialfa, known as a talented member of the E Street Band and the wife of iconic musician Bruce Springsteen, recently opened up about her ongoing battle with cancer. In the heartfelt documentary, Rock Diary: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, which debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 8, Patti revealed her diagnosis of multiple myeloma, a type of cancer, which she’s been bravely facing since 2018.
This sensitive matter was shared with audiences, highlighting the challenges it has posed, particularly affecting her ability to tour with her husband and their beloved E Street Band. Patti explained that due to her condition weakening her immune system, she had to make the difficult decision to prioritize her health and step back from full-time touring commitments.
“This affects my immune system, so I have to be careful about what I engage in and the places I choose to visit,” Patti candidly shared. “Now and then, I manage to join a show and sing a couple of songs on stage with the band, which is a delightful experience. This is my new normal, and I’m coming to terms with it,” she expressed calmly, embracing the changes with grace.
In a previous interview with the Asbury Park Press, Patti also discussed how she chose to appear in just a few select shows during Bruce’s latest tour, which kicked off in February 2023. Her decision was primarily driven by the desire to spend precious time with her granddaughter, Lily Springsteen, born in July 2022, while also focusing on developing her solo music project.
“With a lot of talented musicians in the current lineup, I felt my presence wasn’t as crucial,” Patti remarked. “I performed at the first few gigs, and observing how everything was coming together beautifully, I realized I wasn’t contributing anything particularly unique. It was important for me to seize the moment to work on my own album,” she explained.
Patti’s journey is not solitary; her husband Bruce Springsteen has also encountered health setbacks. In September 2023, Bruce had to postpone his remaining tour dates due to ongoing treatment for peptic ulcer disease. Then, in early summer 2024, Bruce faced another brief postponement of tour dates due to vocal issues.
Through these challenges, Patti remains a figure of resilience and inspiration. To her fans and family, she symbolizes the strength found in acknowledging one’s vulnerabilities and embracing life as it comes. My sincere thoughts and prayers are with Patti Scialfa as she bravely contends with multiple myeloma, hoping for her well-being and continued strength through this journey.