A husband and wife are spending a relaxing evening together, lounging comfortably on their couch, while their favorite TV shows flicker on the screen in front of them. It’s a picture of domestic tranquility, a typical night in for the long-married couple.

As the show unfolds, the wife notices something unusual. Her husband, seemingly engrossed in the program, suddenly shifts his gaze upward. He’s staring intently at a point on the ceiling right above her head, a look of curiosity on his face.
Curious herself now, she interrupts their shared silence, turning her head up to follow his line of sight. With a puzzled expression, she asks, “What on earth are you looking at up there?”
“A spider,” he replies with nonchalance, still focused on the spot overhead.
The wife’s eyes dart around, scanning the ceiling. Despite her thorough inspection, she doesn’t spot anything amiss. “I don’t see anything,” she says, skepticism lacing her voice.
Without skipping a beat, her husband responds, “Oh, it must have fallen on your head.” His tone remains calm, almost too calm for the chaos his words are about to unleash.
Her previously relaxed composure vanishes in an instant. She leaps off the couch, a startled scream escaping her lips, imagining the tiny creature entangled in her hair.
Amidst her flurry of movement, her husband remains serenely seated, watching the scene with the trace of a smile. Then, as if capitalizing on the opportunity, he cheekily adds, “While you’re up, could you get me another beer?”
The tension in the air dissipates with his playful remark, the humor of the situation defusing her momentary panic.