Imagine a peaceful scene: a hound dog lounging in the yard and an elderly man sitting on his porch in overalls. The setting exudes tranquility, until an unexpected visitor changes everything.
A jogger passes by and decides to take a chance and approach the old man. Politely, the jogger asks, “Excuse me, sir, but does your dog bite?”
The old man looks up from his newspaper and with a friendly smile replies, “Nope.”
Trusting the old man’s assurance, the jogger confidently enters the yard, only to be met with a surprise. The seemingly docile dog suddenly starts snarling and growling, lunging at the jogger’s legs.
Caught off guard, the jogger flails around desperately, while shouting, “I thought you said your dog didn’t bite!”
In response, the old man grumbles, “Ain’t my dog.”
Sometimes, even the most peaceful scenes can take an unexpected turn. It just goes to show that appearances can be deceiving.